// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1911 Glenwood Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Ocean City, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1911 Glenwood Dr, Ocean City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0508_1915_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1911 Glenwood Dr, Ocean City, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 1915, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $1,071,000
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 9'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 21,313
Area: 7552.87 acres
Perimeter: 21.53 miles
Population 2020: 11229
Pop Density 2020: 952/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Ocean City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.274443249119-74.6008563318270508_1915_31919 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$512,700$5,241
39.274571198354-74.6007923091060508_1915_41917 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$511,300$5,476
39.274586841585-74.600336489170508_1915_101920 Ferndale Drredacted-o8$615,300$6,589
39.27469914804-74.6007282861990508_1915_51915 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$876,400$9,386
39.274714491879-74.6002714848550508_1915_91918 Ferndale Drredacted-o8$504,700$5,405
39.274827097688-74.6006642630590508_1915_61913 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$988,000$10,581
39.274832653724-74.6012489887710508_1916_61918 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$2,107,300$22,569
39.27484941964-74.6002029834230508_1915_8100 Walnut Rdredacted-o8$1,154,800$12,367
39.274960603654-74.6011849664580508_1916_71916 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$3,352,500$35,905
39.274965449142-74.6005952346790508_1915_71911 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$1,071,000$11,470
39.275088553522-74.6011209440750508_1916_81914 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$1,216,600$13,029
39.275143802004-74.6000528630920508_1917_13101 Walnut Rdredacted-o8$719,900$7,710
39.275216503376-74.6010569217080508_1916_91912 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$1,308,500$14,014
39.275270030397-74.6004426272420508_1917_1103 Walnut Rdredacted-o8$1,151,500$12,082
39.275277835301-74.5999846075020508_1917_121912 Ferndale Drredacted-o8$448,600$4,804
39.275344453194-74.6009928988650508_1916_101910 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$1,956,600$20,955
39.275405485707-74.5999196015920508_1917_111910 Ferndale Drredacted-o8$586,900$6,285
39.275417172772-74.6003689994170508_1917_21907 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$515,700$5,523
39.275472402935-74.6009288761570508_1916_111908 Glenwood Drredacted-o8$1,222,000$13,087

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