// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2510 Atlantic Ave #123 owned by redacted-o9 in North Wildwood, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2510 Atlantic Ave #123, North Wildwood, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0507_226_7_C0123

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2510 Atlantic Ave #123, North Wildwood, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 226, Lot: 7, QCode: C0123
Assessment (2023): $107,500
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,697
Area: 1593.62 acres
Perimeter: 8.57 miles
Population 2020: 3621
Pop Density 2020: 1454/sq-mi

74 neighbors on block 226 in North Wildwood

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
38.993225652275-74.8082379251340507_226_12509-11 Central Averedacted-o8$491,000$7,458
38.993325286932-74.8080398979390507_226_22505 Central Averedacted-o8$542,700$8,243
38.993455227035-74.8078831125760507_226_32501 Central Averedacted-o8$533,700$8,106
0507_226_5.206_C0101206 E 25th Ave #101redacted-o8$120,300$1,827
0507_226_5.206_C0102206 E 25th Ave #102redacted-o8$180,400$2,740
0507_226_5.206_C0103206 E 25th Ave #103redacted-o8$180,400$2,740
0507_226_5.206_C0201206 E 25th Ave #201redacted-o8$132,200$2,008
0507_226_5.206_C0202206 E 25th Ave #202redacted-o8$180,400$2,740
0507_226_5.206_C0203206 E 25th Ave #203redacted-o8$180,400$2,740
0507_226_5.208_C0101208 E 25th Ave #101redacted-o8$195,100$2,963
0507_226_5.208_C0102208 E 25th Ave #102redacted-o8$170,500$2,589
0507_226_5.208_C0103208 E 25th Ave #103redacted-o8$178,300$2,708
0507_226_5.208_C0201208 E 25th Ave #201redacted-o8$195,100$2,963
0507_226_5.208_C0202208 E 25th Ave #202redacted-o8$195,100$2,963
0507_226_5.208_C0203208 E 25th Ave #203redacted-o8$176,300$2,678
0507_226_5.208_C0204208 E 25th Ave #204redacted-o8$176,300$2,678
0507_226_6_C0101214 E 25th Ave #101redacted-o8$329,800$5,009
0507_226_6_C0102214 E 25th Ave #102redacted-o8$329,800$5,009
0507_226_6_C0201216 E 25th Ave #201redacted-o8$329,800$5,009
0507_226_6_C0202214 E 25th Ave #202redacted-o8$329,800$5,009
0507_226_7_C01002510 Atlantic Ave #100redacted-o8$187,800$2,852
0507_226_7_C01012510 Atlantic Ave #101redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01022510 Atlantic Ave #102redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01032510 Atlantic Ave #103redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01042510 Atlantic Ave #104redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01052510 Atlantic Ave #105redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01062510 Atlantic Ave #106redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01072510 Atlantic Ave #107redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01082510 Atlantic Ave #108redacted-o8$97,800$1,485
0507_226_7_C01092510 Atlantic Ave #109redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01102510 Atlantic Ave #110redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01112510 Atlantic Ave #111redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01122510 Atlantic Ave #112redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01142510 Atlantic Ave #114redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01152510 Atlantic Ave #115redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01162510 Atlantic Ave #116redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01172510 Atlantic Ave #117redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01182510 Atlantic Ave #118redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01192510 Atlantic Ave #119redacted-o8$97,800$1,485
0507_226_7_C01202510 Atlantic Ave #120redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01212510 Atlantic Ave #121redacted-o8$107,500$1,632
0507_226_7_C01222510 Atlantic Ave #122redacted-o8$107,500$1,632
0507_226_7_C01232510 Atlantic Ave #123redacted-o8$107,500$1,632
0507_226_7_C01242510 Atlantic Ave #124redacted-o8$107,500$1,632
0507_226_7_C01272500 Atlantic Ave #127redacted-o8$153,100$2,325
0507_226_7_C01282500 Atlantic Ave #128redacted-o8$153,100$2,325
0507_226_7_C01302500 Atlantic Ave #130redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01312500 Atlantic Ave #131redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01322500 Atlantic Ave #132redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01332500 Atlantic Ave #133redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C01342500 Atlantic Ave #134redacted-o8$109,700$1,666
0507_226_7_C0136222 E 25th Ave #136redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0137222 E 25th Ave #137redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0140222 E 25th Ave #140redacted-o8$130,900$1,988
0507_226_7_C0141222 E 25th Ave #141redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0144222 E 25th Ave #144redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0145222 E 25th Ave #145redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0148222 E 25th Ave #148redacted-o8$130,900$1,988
0507_226_7_C0149222 E 25th Ave #149redacted-o8$133,600$2,029
0507_226_7_C0151220 E 25th Ave #151redacted-o8$106,000$1,610
0507_226_7_C0152220 E 25th Ave #152redacted-o8$94,100$1,429
0507_226_7_C0153220 E 25th Ave #153redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0154220 E 25th Ave #154redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0155220 E 25th Ave #155redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0156220 E 25th Ave #156redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0157220 E 25th Ave #157redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0158220 E 25th Ave #158redacted-o8$98,100$1,490
0507_226_7_C0159220 E 25th Ave #159redacted-o8$135,100$2,052
38.992641804603-74.8073663922040507_226_10221 E 26th Averedacted-o8$450,000$6,835
38.992754746295-74.8075200896780507_226_11219 E 26th Averedacted-o8$325,000$4,936
38.992848863695-74.8076481714440507_226_12213 E 26th Averedacted-o8$791,100$12,016
38.992933569567-74.8077634450690507_226_13211 E 26th Averedacted-o8$332,900$5,056
38.993018275323-74.8078787189690507_226_14209 E 26th Averedacted-o8$389,500$5,916
38.993115230648-74.8080436932750507_226_15203 E 26th Averedacted-o8$474,900$7,213

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