// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 35 Rte 47 S owned by redacted-o9 in Middle Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 35 Rte 47 S, Middle Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0506_48_10_C0095

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 35 Rte 47 S, Middle Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 48, Lot: 10, QCode: C0095
Assessment (2023): $58,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,848
Area: 52934.8 acres
Perimeter: 48.99 miles
Population 2020: 20380
Pop Density 2020: 246/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Middle Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.097444724571-74.8821074088190506_48_10_C004535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,800$1,188
39.097451185629-74.8826311797630506_48_10_C003335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,500$1,161
39.097457644333-74.8831549507830506_48_10_C002135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$53,000$1,089
39.097502583526-74.8823053634590506_48_10_C003235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$62,900$1,293
39.09750430213-74.8817726788570506_48_10_C004435 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,400$1,159
39.097509043968-74.8828291349340506_48_10_C002035 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,400$1,200
39.097579728617-74.8825693033070506_48_10_C003135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$55,900$1,149
39.097583998076-74.8820453403470506_48_10_C004335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,500$1,202
39.097586187593-74.8830930758530506_48_10_C001935 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,200$1,176
39.097637586783-74.8827672586970506_48_10_C001835 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$53,900$1,108
39.09763930797-74.8822345740810506_48_10_C003035 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,200$1,176
39.097714730862-74.8830312003470506_48_10_C001735 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,500$1,182
39.09771900227-74.882507235790506_48_10_C002935 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,100$1,173
39.097751266935-74.8818017008430506_48_10_C009135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,100$1,194
39.097774311518-74.8826964702190506_48_10_C001635 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,800$1,188
39.09779948311-74.88196666380506_48_10_C009235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,100$1,173
39.097847699501-74.8821316269820506_48_10_C009335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,700$1,165
39.097854004805-74.8829691336490506_48_10_C001535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,400$1,159
39.097895915657-74.8822965903880506_48_10_C009435 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$59,800$1,229
39.097909313355-74.8831583688660506_48_10_C000235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,800$1,167
39.097944131128-74.8824615540140506_48_10_C009535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,500$1,202
39.097992346436-74.882626517510506_48_10_C009635 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$55,800$1,147
39.098040561747-74.8827914811360506_48_10_C009735 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$55,900$1,149
39.098088777036-74.882956445080506_48_10_C009835 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$56,400$1,159
39.098136991567-74.8831214095990506_48_10_C009935 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$63,800$1,311

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