// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 35 Rte 47 S owned by redacted-o9 in Middle Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 35 Rte 47 S, Middle Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0506_48_10_C0069

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 35 Rte 47 S, Middle Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 48, Lot: 10, QCode: C0069
Assessment (2023): $55,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,848
Area: 52934.8 acres
Perimeter: 48.99 miles
Population 2020: 20380
Pop Density 2020: 246/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Middle Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.096328001788-74.8812841037980506_48_10_C008635 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,200$1,176
39.096408243104-74.8815586237410506_48_10_C008735 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,700$1,206
39.096463009052-74.8817459895420506_48_10_C007135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,100$1,173
39.096531999255-74.8814930131160506_48_10_C008535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,100$1,194
39.096589859553-74.8816909647970506_48_10_C007035 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,400$1,200
39.09661250189-74.8819837111380506_48_10_C006935 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$55,500$1,141
39.096660541664-74.8814311359570506_48_10_C008335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,600$1,184
39.096673423427-74.882173874540506_48_10_C005635 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,700$1,186
39.096762538671-74.8824387359820506_48_10_C005535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,000$1,171
39.09678908404-74.8813692579970506_48_10_C008135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,100$1,194
39.096795548439-74.8818930240490506_48_10_C006735 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,300$1,178
39.09682319599-74.882628090220506_48_10_C004235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$54,900$1,128
39.096846944542-74.8815672102980506_48_10_C006635 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$59,500$1,223
39.09685340805-74.8820909767890506_48_10_C005435 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,500$1,182
39.096917626382-74.8813073798130506_48_10_C007935 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,000$1,192
39.096924091052-74.8818311473910506_48_10_C006535 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,300$1,178
39.096930553369-74.8823549150460506_48_10_C005335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$50,000$1,028
39.096975486711-74.8815053323330506_48_10_C006435 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,700$1,186
39.096981950765-74.8820291004420506_48_10_C005235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,100$1,173
39.096988412191-74.8825528685360506_48_10_C004035 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,600$1,204
39.09705263363-74.8817692705110506_48_10_C006335 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,400$1,200
39.097059096222-74.8822930385350506_48_10_C005135 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,200$1,196
39.097104028768-74.8814434549950506_48_10_C006235 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$57,700$1,186
39.097110493446-74.8819672238720506_48_10_C005035 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,100$1,194
39.097116955146-74.8824909923350506_48_10_C003835 Rte 47 Sredacted-o8$58,300$1,198

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