// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 303 West Hampton Court owned by redacted-o9 in Middle Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 303 West Hampton Court, Middle Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0506_114_8_C0010

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 303 West Hampton Court, Middle Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 114, Lot: 8, QCode: C0010
Assessment (2023): $323,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,848
Area: 52934.8 acres
Perimeter: 48.99 miles
Population 2020: 20380
Pop Density 2020: 246/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Middle Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.113429237133-74.7930592865450506_114_8_C0024512 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$336,000$6,908
39.113478846897-74.7929604503580506_114_8_C0023510 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$332,100$6,827
39.113507341185-74.7928794701260506_114_8_C0022508 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.113538892441-74.7928050345830506_114_8_C0021506 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.113571057537-74.7927294143660506_114_8_C0020504 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.113625781332-74.7926569547670506_114_8_C0019502 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.113749707961-74.7934593702330506_114_8_C0014311 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.113776193282-74.7924479951770506_114_8_C0025602 Turnberry Courtredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.113801324475-74.7933787943610506_114_8_C0013309 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$332,100$6,827
39.113844425341-74.7932748464760506_114_8_C0012307 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$332,100$6,827
39.113881956748-74.7931984858910506_114_8_C0011305 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.113912304197-74.7931252314850506_114_8_C0010303 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$323,900$6,659
39.113950580515-74.7930359384520506_114_8_C0009301 West Hampton Courtredacted-o8$336,000$6,908
39.114117535501-74.7932518710830506_114_8_C0008207 Congressional Driveredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.114186673451-74.7933196074190506_114_8_C0007205 Congressional Driveredacted-o8$323,900$6,659
39.114214825054-74.7927168873680506_114_8_C0037801 Turnberry Courtredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.114253893943-74.7933712226920506_114_8_C0006203 Congressional Driveredacted-o8$323,900$6,659
39.114293267619-74.7927066819110506_114_8_C0038803 Turnberry Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.114333086833-74.7934173828850506_114_8_C0005201 Congressional Driveredacted-o8$389,700$8,012
39.114354736997-74.7926758024160506_114_8_C0039805 Turnberry Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357
39.114416130695-74.7926447000930506_114_8_C0040807 Turnberry Courtredacted-o8$309,200$6,357

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