// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 108 Leaming Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Lower Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 108 Leaming Avenue, Lower Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0505_581_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 108 Leaming Avenue, Lower Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 581, Lot: 8
Assessment (2023): $163,000
Effective Flood Zone: NOT_INC
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 25,949
Area: 19851.6 acres
Perimeter: 31.62 miles
Population 2020: 22057
Pop Density 2020: 711/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Lower Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
38.982456256291-74.9488564326490505_581_5114 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$175,300$3,504
38.982489578556-74.949210206210505_581_21117 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$186,200$3,722
38.982536374222-74.9482506088990505_582_8209 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$206,100$4,119
38.982629329373-74.9488511531740505_581_6112 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$169,400$3,386
38.982657408525-74.9492034868380505_581_20115 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$182,900$3,656
38.982699757103-74.9482446616910505_582_7207 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$217,000$4,337
38.982792139497-74.9488466165740505_581_7110 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$165,100$3,300
38.982823183408-74.9491981561530505_581_19113 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$179,200$3,582
38.982861702654-74.9482402907840505_582_6205 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$200,300$3,503
38.98294330769-74.9488409741540505_581_8108 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$163,000$3,258
38.982989821162-74.9491927488510505_581_18111 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$167,200$3,092
38.983023591805-74.9482436641070505_582_5203 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$197,000$3,938
38.98311030449-74.9488362925080505_581_9106 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$189,300$3,784
38.983156772652-74.949188086920505_581_17109 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$166,200$3,322
38.983255514724-74.9482859225780505_582_4201 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$192,200$3,592
38.983297543795-74.9488304270420505_581_10104 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$200,600$4,010
38.983322151623-74.949182166070505_581_16107 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$166,100$3,320
38.983484004418-74.9488254356650505_581_11102 Leaming Avenueredacted-o8$181,100$3,620
38.983488044902-74.9491779317680505_581_15105 Teal Avenueredacted-o8$178,600$3,320

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