// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 18 Brookdale Road owned by redacted-o9 in Lower Township, Cape_May County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 18 Brookdale Road, Lower Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0505_524_54

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 18 Brookdale Road, Lower Township, New Jersey
County: Cape_May
Block: 524, Lot: 54
Assessment (2023): $270,900
Effective Flood Zone: NOT_INC
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 25,949
Area: 19851.6 acres
Perimeter: 31.62 miles
Population 2020: 22057
Pop Density 2020: 711/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Lower Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
38.991991713016-74.9545429075450505_524_129 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$268,000$5,357
38.992126738773-74.9547246235310505_524_1127 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$178,900$3,326
38.992153568259-74.9549277861730505_524_1425 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$211,000$4,217
38.992197333147-74.9552724792340505_524_1923 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$199,800$3,994
38.992235600293-74.9555481664410505_524_2321 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$209,200$4,181
38.992254249418-74.955689845120505_524_2519 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$171,700$3,432
38.992265747864-74.9545392395960505_524_6610 Clubhouse Driveredacted-o8$406,300$8,121
38.992272617297-74.9558285591960505_524_2717 Cedarbrook Roadredacted-o8$216,200$4,321
38.992404467465-74.95473727780505_524_4822 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$217,600$4,349
38.99243219243-74.9549394419320505_524_5120 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$235,900$4,715
38.992459329561-74.9551436935240505_524_5418 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$270,900$5,415
38.99251450208-74.9555634158030505_524_6016 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$210,300$4,203
38.992542257104-74.955771500710505_524_6314 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$338,400$6,764
38.99265185741-74.954490173880505_521_3627 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$289,100$5,779
38.992813863269-74.954864933630505_521_3225 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$233,000$4,407
38.992876160669-74.9553396893850505_521_2521-23 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$346,400$6,924
38.992902497309-74.9555384153280505_521_2219 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$264,200$5,281
38.992931307696-74.9557449312590505_521_1917 Brookdale Roadredacted-o8$358,500$7,616
38.992934005857-74.9544816257940505_521_41702 Clubhouse Driveredacted-o8$151,900$3,036

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