// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 215 South Route 73 owned by redacted-o9 in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 215 South Route 73, Winslow Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0436_5802_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 215 South Route 73, Winslow Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 5802, Lot: 1
Assessment (2020): $112,800
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,316
Area: 37270.3 acres
Perimeter: 41.05 miles
Population 2020: 39907
Pop Density 2020: 685/sq-mi

26 neighbors on block 5802 in Winslow Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
0436_5802_1215 South Route 73redacted-o8$112,800$3,819
39.68959042277-74.8935070909430436_5802_1_QFARMSouth Route 73redacted-o8$14,300$515
39.691708492788-74.895835579910436_5802_1.0126 Blue Anchor Roadredacted-o8$5,500
39.691448350125-74.8959799597220436_5802_1.0228 Blue Anchor Roadredacted-o8$276,800
39.688102998451-74.8948126933720436_5802_2South Grove Streetredacted-o8$2,300$82
39.687308123429-74.8912075394370436_5802_3231 South Route 73redacted-o8$213,600$7,706
39.687109976801-74.8922597623560436_5802_3.019 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$54,000$1,948
39.69066854518-74.8924089148850436_5802_42 Blue Anchor Roadredacted-o8$42,600
39.686723723981-74.8927109845890436_5802_511 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$126,900$4,578
39.686674912564-74.8930322143770436_5802_615 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$138,100$4,982
39.686389890724-74.894467043190436_5802_721 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$196,300$7,082
39.687257532975-74.8947349129520436_5802_7.01South Grove Streetredacted-o8$23,000$829
39.686455497836-74.8941219829540436_5802_819 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$185,100$6,678
39.687322359804-74.8943896223010436_5802_8.01West Central Avenueredacted-o8$23,000$829
39.686543652596-74.8936629898280436_5802_917 West Central Avenueredacted-o8$179,300$6,469
39.686876872233-74.893764564260436_5802_103 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$146,500$5,285
39.687143930179-74.8938470022240436_5802_115 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$149,400$5,390
39.687410987944-74.8939294409720436_5802_127 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$165,000$5,953
39.687678045306-74.8940118794190436_5802_139 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$166,900
39.687939847279-74.8941025946760436_5802_1411 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$131,100$4,730
39.688235834303-74.8941727391790436_5802_1513 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$153,700$5,545
39.688039540833-74.8932213423850436_5802_16Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$1,000
39.687833690137-74.8932983275070436_5802_1710 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$148,700$5,115
39.687566632117-74.893215890090436_5802_188 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$194,300$7,010
39.687299573917-74.8931334549220436_5802_196 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$154,800$5,585
39.687030045144-74.8930455810830436_5802_204 Lynlee Placeredacted-o8$188,700$6,808

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