// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 683 Sicklerville Road owned by redacted-o9 in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 683 Sicklerville Road, Winslow Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0436_12510_22_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 683 Sicklerville Road, Winslow Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 12510, Lot: 22, QCode: X
Assessment (2020): $107,600
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,316
Area: 37270.3 acres
Perimeter: 41.05 miles
Population 2020: 39907
Pop Density 2020: 685/sq-mi

23 neighbors on block 12510 in Winslow Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.736185669689-75.0008214724380436_12510_11 Westerly Driveredacted-o8$205,500$7,414
39.73597173024-75.0010488119060436_12510_23 Westerly Driveredacted-o8$195,000$7,035
39.735794553609-75.0012557450680436_12510_35 Westerly Driveredacted-o8$199,700$7,205
39.735627307264-75.0014474065390436_12510_47 Westerly Driveredacted-o8$168,200$6,068
39.735471457307-75.001628381780436_12510_59 Westerly Driveredacted-o8$192,100$6,930
39.735311336564-75.0018310017780436_12510_61 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$188,900
39.735116399779-75.0014494763520436_12510_73 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$206,500$7,450
39.734951703145-75.0011773520940436_12510_85 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$165,700$5,978
39.73478979297-75.0009170695660436_12510_97 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$177,100$6,389
39.73462788644-75.0006568089590436_12510_109 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$191,600$6,912
39.734457106666-75.0003525351250436_12510_1111 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$179,200$6,465
39.734229057822-75.0000106938110436_12510_1213 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$208,700$7,529
39.734496366629-74.9996924738860436_12510_1311 Brandon Courtredacted-o8$170,000$6,133
39.734353531231-74.9994752046330436_12510_149 Brandon Courtredacted-o8$192,300$6,938
39.733975140771-75.0000328003620436_12510_1515 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$184,300$6,649
39.733784336485-75.0002877173640436_12510_1617 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$178,800$6,451
39.733608625534-75.0004952078210436_12510_1719 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$167,000$6,025
39.733453189387-75.0006937540540436_12510_1821 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$180,300$6,255
39.733299054413-75.0008862963350436_12510_1923 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$172,600$6,227
39.733151764037-75.0010892780930436_12510_2025 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$191,500$6,909
39.732960732849-75.0012461433730436_12510_2127 Sugarmaple Laneredacted-o8$206,900$7,464
39.735321172893-75.0002390694780436_12510_22683 Sicklerville Roadredacted-o8$724,300$26,132
0436_12510_22_X683 Sicklerville Roadredacted-o8$107,600

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