// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 16 Heywood Lane owned by redacted-o9 in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 16 Heywood Lane, Winslow Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0436_11806_17

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 16 Heywood Lane, Winslow Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 11806, Lot: 17
Assessment (2020): $117,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,316
Area: 37270.3 acres
Perimeter: 41.05 miles
Population 2020: 39907
Pop Density 2020: 685/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Winslow Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.715680824725-74.9735371249510436_11806_2820 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$124,500$4,491
39.715702945844-74.9727853359460436_11806_1253 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$117,500$4,239
39.715734977638-74.973676638620436_11806_2722 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$95,200$3,434
39.715762125558-74.9728720174220436_11806_1355 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$121,000$4,365
39.715779166992-74.9737749495730436_11806_2624 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$83,200$3,001
39.715810921144-74.9729657441030436_11806_1457 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$106,400$3,838
39.715840228506-74.9738856215860436_11806_2526 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$95,900$3,460
39.715863267482-74.9730551318930436_11806_1559 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$117,000$4,221
39.715934796783-74.9731558589760436_11806_1661 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$117,000$4,221
39.716072359653-74.9734782100440436_11806_1912 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$81,100$2,926
39.716089084253-74.9735942114210436_11806_2010 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$86,200$3,110
39.71608959581-74.9733695247030436_11806_1814 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$86,500$3,120
39.716119356662-74.973750001090436_11806_218 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$78,700$2,839
39.716153500771-74.9725932649480436_11805_1572 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$122,200$4,408
39.716163767217-74.9732048059830436_11806_1716 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$117,600$4,243
39.716340101579-74.9727049461180436_11805_1674 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$87,100$3,142
39.716483275809-74.9725807098510436_11805_1776 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$75,800$2,734
39.71655861054-74.9725235258590436_11805_1878 Hopewell Laneredacted-o8$98,200$3,543
39.716584492592-74.9738128534750436_11807_815 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$97,400$3,514
39.716621613416-74.9732588650150436_11807_1223 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$86,700$3,128
39.716625905865-74.9736384997580436_11807_917 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$86,900$3,135
39.716635434354-74.973375893520436_11807_1121 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$79,500$2,868
39.716635685558-74.9730751675420436_11807_1325 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$86,500$3,120
39.716638350543-74.9734867618910436_11807_1019 Heywood Laneredacted-o8$97,100$3,503

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