// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 42 Hampton Gate Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 42 Hampton Gate Drive, Winslow Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0436_11804_24

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 42 Hampton Gate Drive, Winslow Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 11804, Lot: 24
Assessment (2020): $87,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,316
Area: 37270.3 acres
Perimeter: 41.05 miles
Population 2020: 39907
Pop Density 2020: 685/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Winslow Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.715739527864-74.9762858549350436_11808_1536 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$123,400$4,452
39.715755120282-74.9764493783310436_11808_1634 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$123,700$4,463
39.715821783327-74.9757690116710436_11804_2834 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$117,000$4,221
39.715878144954-74.9751279562170436_11804_1829 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$96,300$3,474
39.715903772904-74.9758376985410436_11804_2736 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$91,400$3,297
39.715926763228-74.9752242440710436_11804_1931 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$122,100$4,405
39.71597852412-74.9753176529310436_11804_2033 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$100,600$3,629
39.716021774144-74.9758697867020436_11804_2638 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$78,300$2,825
39.716027167658-74.9754136241980436_11804_2135 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$121,000$4,365
39.716114562551-74.9755104949230436_11804_2237 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$78,300$2,825
39.716174962206-74.9758303972180436_11804_2540 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$88,900$3,207
39.716209955042-74.9763191064420436_11801_5359 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$125,200$4,517
39.716275656238-74.9757427311790436_11804_2442 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$87,800$3,167
39.716400856105-74.9756669970880436_11804_2344 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$99,000$3,571
39.716405927984-74.9750526657840436_11807_3238 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$80,700$2,911
39.716430028055-74.9763678975610436_11801_5447 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$122,500$4,419
39.716493145735-74.9751389839750436_11807_3140 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$106,100$3,828
39.71653023397-74.9762718057470436_11801_5549 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$118,400$4,021
39.716562239271-74.9752106237010436_11807_3042 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$104,100$3,755
39.716625121464-74.9761740131890436_11801_5651 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$107,700$3,885
39.716662658585-74.9753302677830436_11807_2944 Hathaway Driveredacted-o8$78,300$2,825
39.716715624163-74.9760729869980436_11801_5753 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$120,200$4,336
39.716802542489-74.9759675778690436_11801_5855 Hampton Gate Driveredacted-o8$106,600$3,846

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