// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 33 Hyacinth Lane owned by redacted-o9 in Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 33 Hyacinth Lane, Winslow Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0436_11801_40

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 33 Hyacinth Lane, Winslow Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 11801, Lot: 40
Assessment (2020): $92,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,316
Area: 37270.3 acres
Perimeter: 41.05 miles
Population 2020: 39907
Pop Density 2020: 685/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Winslow Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.714805601939-74.9775283646090436_11801_3523 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$119,700$4,318
39.714833324506-74.9769277312180436_11808_2712 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$95,000$3,427
39.714918568936-74.9769002090550436_11808_2614 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$122,500$4,419
39.714920001384-74.9774914237620436_11801_3625 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$125,700$4,285
39.715003813568-74.9768726866270436_11808_2516 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$106,900$3,856
39.715023744973-74.9774579232750436_11801_3727 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$115,400$4,163
39.715089057742-74.9768451633150436_11808_2418 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$114,900$4,145
39.715108988814-74.977430396830436_11801_3829 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$86,000$3,102
39.715174301569-74.9768176408140436_11808_2320 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$105,900$3,820
39.715194232496-74.9774028704480436_11801_3931 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$122,500$4,419
39.715259545965-74.9767901193960436_11808_2222 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$118,800$4,286
39.715279415318-74.9773752878050436_11801_4033 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$92,000$3,319
39.71534479003-74.9767625956480436_11808_2124 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$118,800$4,286
39.715364688515-74.9773479023750436_11801_4135 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$121,600$4,387
39.715430034365-74.9767350731550436_11808_2026 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$105,900$3,820
39.715449962901-74.9773202902470436_11801_4237 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$77,700$2,803
39.715531450902-74.9766828131820436_11808_1928 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$114,800$4,141
39.715535206256-74.9772927628760436_11801_4339 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$79,700$2,875
39.715620450049-74.9772652368140436_11801_4441 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$81,700$2,947
39.715705692938-74.97723770970436_11801_4543 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$126,500$4,564
39.715728336589-74.976723123590436_11808_1830 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$86,700$3,128
39.71579093612-74.9772101824540436_11801_4645 Hyacinth Laneredacted-o8$123,300$4,448

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