// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 155 Shoreline Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Waterford Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 155 Shoreline Drive, Waterford Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0435_2208_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 155 Shoreline Drive, Waterford Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 2208, Lot: 9
Assessment (2020): $124,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,890
Area: 23173.1 acres
Perimeter: 27.92 miles
Population 2020: 10421
Pop Density 2020: 288/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Waterford Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.754209033801-74.887916351390435_2205_6154 Beach Driveredacted-o8$185,800$7,554
39.754450546332-74.8874482429880435_2208_8155 Lake Driveredacted-o8$155,700$6,330
39.754574482734-74.8884331720570435_2209_49154 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$1,500
39.754606437615-74.8872553321410435_2208_7157 Lake Driveredacted-o8$155,200$6,310
39.754628489411-74.887819700020435_2208_9155 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$124,400$5,058
39.754733793605-74.887752452920435_2208_10153 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$111,900$4,549
39.754788149962-74.8884219351860435_2209_48152 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$108,500$4,411
39.754797000463-74.8877189387020435_2208_11151 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$110,800$4,505
39.754857707336-74.8876815682020435_2208_12149 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$98,200$3,992
39.754866591649-74.8884041256430435_2209_47150 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$95,700$3,891
39.75491359064-74.8876360479410435_2208_13147 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$110,100$4,476
39.754931496615-74.8883893877010435_2209_46148 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$109,700$4,460
39.754996401055-74.8883746293650435_2209_45146 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$112,400$4,570
39.755014590633-74.8876140226460435_2208_14145 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$124,100$5,045
39.755057201464-74.8873703492630435_2208_16141 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$112,700$4,582
39.755058553984-74.8874818206680435_2208_15143 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$111,400$4,529
39.755061141697-74.8883579744880435_2209_44144 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$120,200$4,887
39.755091702276-74.8872941955380435_2208_17139 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$112,500$4,574
39.755113310749-74.8872115979660435_2208_18137 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$112,500$4,574
39.755131231332-74.8871294075050435_2208_19135 Shoreline Driveredacted-o8$108,800$4,423

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