// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2147 Scovel Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2147 Scovel Ave, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0427_620_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2147 Scovel Ave, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 620, Lot: 7
Assessment (2022): $95,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,072
Area: 7751.64 acres
Perimeter: 26.54 miles
Population 2020: 37074
Pop Density 2020: 3061/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Pennsauken Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.962226463182-75.0573682445440427_620_136121 Camden Averedacted-o8$94,200$3,733
39.963157546157-75.0573271831570427_620_22117 Scovel Averedacted-o8$123,600$4,898
39.962289475864-75.0572817592350427_620_126123 Camden Averedacted-o8$107,000$4,240
39.963035215802-75.0571673275410427_620_32125 Scovel Averedacted-o8$120,900$4,791
39.962638036174-75.0571494787650427_620_112140 Mulford Averedacted-o8$126,000$4,743
39.962954994991-75.0570583937150427_620_42131 Scovel Averedacted-o8$120,600$4,779
39.962449625795-75.0570021537610427_620_106129 Camden Averedacted-o8$131,000$5,191
39.962874496453-75.0569528243420427_620_52137 Scovel Averedacted-o8$95,000$3,764
39.962543414018-75.0568731464260427_620_96137 Camden Averedacted-o8$117,200$4,644
39.962801433966-75.0568596296330427_620_62143 Scovel Averedacted-o8$97,100$3,848
39.962728558974-75.0567619563670427_620_72147 Scovel Averedacted-o8$95,600$3,788
39.963220245829-75.0566509194360427_621_112132 Scovel Averedacted-o8$115,100$4,561
39.962638450127-75.0566387925980427_620_86145 Camden Averedacted-o8$150,500$5,964
39.963161354058-75.0565739653590427_621_102136 Scovel Averedacted-o8$97,000$3,844
39.963092356295-75.0564800842550427_621_92140 Scovel Averedacted-o8$154,100$6,106
39.962303479777-75.0564609608940427_4912_196138 Camden Averedacted-o8$146,700
39.962897039377-75.0563750522710427_621_86201 Camden Averedacted-o8$132,700$5,258
39.96243101393-75.056280725640427_4912_16148 Camden Averedacted-o8$139,200$5,516
39.962972311892-75.0562695189560427_621_76209 Camden Averedacted-o8$131,700$4,969
39.962253738698-75.0561428575520427_4912_22215 Scovel Averedacted-o8$109,800$4,351
39.963075477807-75.0561259152830427_621_66219 Camden Averedacted-o8$169,700$6,725

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