// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 4221 Myrtle Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 4221 Myrtle Ave, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0427_5206_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 4221 Myrtle Ave, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 5206, Lot: 9
Assessment (2022): $114,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,072
Area: 7751.64 acres
Perimeter: 26.54 miles
Population 2020: 37074
Pop Density 2020: 3061/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Pennsauken Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.947710157036-75.0655282990370427_5206_224542 Harding Rdredacted-o8$88,200$3,495
39.947660006159-75.0655028223580427_5206_214544 Harding Rdredacted-o8$87,800$3,479
39.947610224834-75.0654790728890427_5206_204546 Harding Rdredacted-o8$97,800$3,875
39.947560214089-75.0654520762520427_5206_194548 Harding Rdredacted-o8$127,400$5,048
39.947506460234-75.0654256233180427_5206_184550 Harding Rdredacted-o8$83,100$3,293
39.947452516893-75.0653995071790427_5206_174552 Harding Rdredacted-o8$89,900$3,562
39.947400516574-75.0653762766480427_5206_164554 Harding Rdredacted-o8$83,600$3,313
39.947351033774-75.0653495030540427_5206_64556 Harding Rdredacted-o8$98,100$3,887
39.947299849995-75.0653221811240427_5206_154558 Harding Rdredacted-o8$84,000$3,328
39.947246783013-75.0653012034070427_5206_144560 Harding Rdredacted-o8$89,000$3,527
39.947193574996-75.0652707391560427_5206_134562 Harding Rdredacted-o8$90,100$3,570
39.947140148357-75.0652466744570427_5206_124564 Harding Rdredacted-o8$87,700$3,475
39.946734725743-75.0652382445230427_5212_14602 Harding Rdredacted-o8$125,200$4,961
39.947075872111-75.0651943447050427_5206_114566 Harding Rdredacted-o8$89,900$3,312
39.94718118703-75.0649933371980427_5206_104215 Myrtle Averedacted-o8$120,600$4,779
39.946857200668-75.0648965847280427_5216_69Lafayette & Myrtleredacted-o8$3,600
39.947210164867-75.064828507530427_5206_94221 Myrtle Averedacted-o8$114,900$4,553
39.946841215131-75.0647380585820427_5216_684606 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$81,800$3,241
39.946770007667-75.0647021044150427_5216_674608 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$72,800$2,885
39.946726166019-75.0646763224120427_5216_664610 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$71,800$2,845
39.946682323984-75.0646505409740427_5216_654612 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$75,400$2,988
39.947182879704-75.0645104390310427_5206_8West End & Myrtlredacted-o8$2,100$83
39.946997854012-75.0644474937810427_5216_14601 West End Averedacted-o8$105,600$4,184
39.946882075689-75.0643778456140427_5216_24607 West End Averedacted-o8$99,600$3,697
39.946779306073-75.0643204545530427_5216_34613 West End Averedacted-o8$121,500$4,815
39.946679193129-75.0642640401420427_5216_44617 West End Averedacted-o8$128,500$5,092

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