// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 7708 Patterson Ln owned by redacted-o9 in Pennsauken Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 7708 Patterson Ln, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0427_3303_51

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 7708 Patterson Ln, Pennsauken Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 3303, Lot: 51
Assessment (2022): $177,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,072
Area: 7751.64 acres
Perimeter: 26.54 miles
Population 2020: 37074
Pop Density 2020: 3061/sq-mi

16 neighbors in Pennsauken Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.96252418661-75.0332920128560427_3310_113208 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$182,300$7,224
39.962703513512-75.0333882580160427_3310_11.013214 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$164,600$6,523
39.962816108359-75.0329762865150427_3310_13Rear Lot 6redacted-o8$9,100$360
39.962919804958-75.033529475940427_3310_123050 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$154,900$6,138
39.963025366858-75.0332226728230427_3303_517708 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$177,200$7,022
39.963088938458-75.0330441296450427_3303_507712 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$205,700$7,901
39.963148401539-75.0328767834720427_3303_497716 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$180,100$7,137
39.96320942826-75.0327050343420427_3303_487720 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$174,000$6,895
39.9632310923-75.0337408181750427_3309_183010 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$191,300$7,581
39.963271617439-75.0325300135960427_3303_477724 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$165,600$6,562
39.963362851974-75.033526555440427_3309_177707 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$209,700$8,310
39.963372302723-75.0338144514910427_3309_193006 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$169,600$6,721
39.963422723361-75.0333446808730427_3309_167711 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$177,600$7,038
39.96348191025-75.0331621588480427_3309_157715 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$207,000$7,636
39.963526733271-75.0338805126480427_3309_13002 Gladwyn Averedacted-o8$167,200$6,376
39.963541797544-75.032977478060427_3309_147719 Patterson Lnredacted-o8$178,800$7,085

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