// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 30 Hampshire Road owned by redacted-o9 in Gloucester Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 30 Hampshire Road, Gloucester Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0415_17002_76

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 30 Hampshire Road, Gloucester Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 17002, Lot: 76
Assessment (2022): $59,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,456
Area: 14904.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.36 miles
Population 2020: 66034
Pop Density 2020: 2835/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Gloucester Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.756375402954-75.0080933838480415_17002_6948 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$58,500$2,360
39.756420167455-75.0080247272740415_17002_7046 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$52,600$2,122
39.75649335867-75.0079438676770415_17002_7144 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$55,700$2,247
39.756596043422-75.0078741976760415_17002_7238 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$59,600$2,154
39.756674657982-75.0078271694280415_17002_7336 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.756736102589-75.0077875426770415_17002_7434 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.756797546462-75.0077479139560415_17002_7532 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.756873352093-75.0083829091560415_17003_3137 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$71,200$2,872
39.756881110266-75.0076940205150415_17002_7630 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$59,300$2,392
39.756965044072-75.0083231849790415_17003_3333 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$62,000$2,501
39.756986794158-75.0076258590890415_17002_7724 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$59,300$2,392
39.757059796884-75.0082614948860415_17003_3431 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$69,000$2,784
39.757070358645-75.0075719657990415_17002_7822 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.757131802117-75.0075323364010415_17002_7920 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.757193246553-75.0074927086050415_17002_8018 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$55,300$2,231
39.757199295498-75.0080276719250415_17003_351 Yorkshire Rdredacted-o8$60,700$2,449
39.757248223077-75.0081440192420415_17003_363 Yorkshire Roadredacted-o8$50,600$2,041
39.757254690979-75.0074530806840415_17002_8116 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$52,600$2,122
39.757278831626-75.0082241911780415_17003_375 Yorkshire Roadredacted-o8$52,400$2,275
39.75730964047-75.0083034684580415_17003_387 Yorkshire Rdredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.757316134659-75.0074134523240415_17002_8214 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$54,800$2,211
39.757340406038-75.0083840221340415_17003_399 Yorkshire Roadredacted-o8$56,400$2,275
39.757377578396-75.007373823580415_17002_8312 Hampshire Roadredacted-o8$55,600$2,243

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