// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 34 Heron Place owned by redacted-o9 in Gloucester Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 34 Heron Place, Gloucester Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0415_13607_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 34 Heron Place, Gloucester Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 13607, Lot: 21
Assessment (2022): $143,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,456
Area: 14904.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.36 miles
Population 2020: 66034
Pop Density 2020: 2835/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Gloucester Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.797592795761-75.0268802278380415_13607_1624 Heron Placeredacted-o8$131,400$4,955
39.797596145288-75.0274964250030415_13606_5221 Heron Placeredacted-o8$140,100$5,816
39.79767338952-75.0268426290490415_13607_1726 Heron Placeredacted-o8$132,500$5,501
39.797707338033-75.0274483827630415_13606_5323 Heron Placeredacted-o8$146,600$6,086
39.797754346113-75.0268033900530415_13607_1828 Heron Placeredacted-o8$114,900$4,770
39.797859585892-75.0267328204120415_13607_1930 Heron Placeredacted-o8$119,000$4,940
39.798021133258-75.0268507083010415_13607_2032 Heron Placeredacted-o8$113,200$4,700
39.798099072768-75.0270005787390415_13607_2134 Heron Placeredacted-o8$143,000$5,687
39.79815848073-75.0271130784780415_13607_2236 Heron Placeredacted-o8$151,300$6,281
39.798337343094-75.0268094203540415_13606_56_C15111511 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.798374472478-75.0268936297050415_13606_56_C15101510 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632
39.798392329402-75.0267693623390415_13606_56_C15091509 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.798427440562-75.0268543423230415_13606_56_C15081508 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632
39.798436402344-75.0267170593920415_13606_56_C15071507 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.79845760352-75.026577520830415_13606_56Broadacres Driveredacted-o8$200
39.798473836611-75.0268000865890415_13606_56_C15061506 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632
39.798492593145-75.0266754464030415_13606_56_C15051505 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.79852667177-75.0267605318690415_13606_56_C15041504 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632
39.798548888913-75.0266523221690415_13606_56_C15031503 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.798585911724-75.0267367968430415_13606_56_C15021502 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632
39.798604224722-75.0266121214560415_13606_56_C15011501 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$66,000$2,740
39.798639443296-75.0266970903790415_13606_56_C15001500 Huntingdon Mewsredacted-o8$63,400$2,632

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