// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 15 Heron Place owned by redacted-o9 in Gloucester Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 15 Heron Place, Gloucester Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0415_13606_49

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 15 Heron Place, Gloucester Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 13606, Lot: 49
Assessment (2022): $151,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,456
Area: 14904.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.36 miles
Population 2020: 66034
Pop Density 2020: 2835/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Gloucester Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.796849811268-75.0281291193280415_13606_433 Heron Placeredacted-o8$153,200$6,360
39.796863190548-75.0271818322440415_13607_88 Heron Placeredacted-o8$128,800$5,347
39.796942534213-75.028006609810415_13606_445 Heron Placeredacted-o8$141,700$5,883
39.796948076463-75.0271444976150415_13607_910 Heron Placeredacted-o8$114,100$4,737
39.797017424424-75.0279262759320415_13606_457 Heron Placeredacted-o8$126,100$5,235
39.797033065123-75.0271083241480415_13607_1012 Heron Placeredacted-o8$131,900$5,476
39.797085152815-75.0278598084710415_13606_469 Heron Placeredacted-o8$124,200$5,156
39.79712731775-75.027084804710415_13607_1114 Heron Placeredacted-o8$139,100$5,775
39.797152367657-75.0277988063770415_13606_4711 Heron Placeredacted-o8$140,300$5,825
39.797195262476-75.0282753789520415_13606_2956 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$108,200$4,492
39.797233224772-75.0270295557780415_13607_1216 Heron Placeredacted-o8$138,800$5,762
39.797241379395-75.0277379495510415_13606_4813 Heron Placeredacted-o8$110,800$4,600
39.79726142489-75.0281398971620415_13606_2854 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$123,800$5,140
39.797339329429-75.0269886508620415_13607_1318 Heron Placeredacted-o8$131,400$5,455
39.797345432779-75.0276671102970415_13606_4915 Heron Placeredacted-o8$151,000$6,269
39.797351832736-75.0280856457860415_13606_2752 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$130,700$5,426
39.797431339815-75.0280283262570415_13606_2650 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$123,400$5,123
39.797433176434-75.0276073737320415_13606_5017 Heron Placeredacted-o8$123,800$5,140
39.797512045832-75.0279684330570415_13606_2548 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$111,200$4,617
39.797512952647-75.0275530631230415_13606_5119 Heron Placeredacted-o8$124,800$5,181
39.79759264517-75.0279087702160415_13606_2446 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$126,500$5,252
39.797596145288-75.0274964250030415_13606_5221 Heron Placeredacted-o8$140,100$5,816
39.797707338033-75.0274483827630415_13606_5323 Heron Placeredacted-o8$146,600$6,086
39.797723851149-75.0277708069820415_13606_2344 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$151,900$6,306
39.797885797578-75.027833995350415_13606_2242 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$136,900$5,684

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