// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 326 Cherrywood Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Gloucester Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 326 Cherrywood Drive, Gloucester Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0415_13605_23

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 326 Cherrywood Drive, Gloucester Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 13605, Lot: 23
Assessment (2022): $126,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,456
Area: 14904.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.36 miles
Population 2020: 66034
Pop Density 2020: 2835/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Gloucester Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.796798882613-75.0303680823320415_13601_873 Jamie Courtredacted-o8$131,500$5,459
39.796868749809-75.0302804417250415_13601_861 Jamie Courtredacted-o8$134,400$5,580
39.796931745284-75.0292489421810415_13605_27334 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$132,600$5,505
39.796983796141-75.0293923229270415_13605_26332 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$114,000$4,733
39.797020399446-75.0294889541520415_13605_25330 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$118,200$4,907
39.797076763046-75.0295879128770415_13605_24328 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$122,400$5,082
39.797149097536-75.0292117939480415_13605_2867 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$164,500$6,830
39.797149623104-75.0296860518890415_13605_23326 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$126,000$4,981
39.797196601982-75.029807573550415_13605_22324 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$121,400$5,040
39.797234673383-75.0290635042430415_13605_2965 Blue Jay Driveredacted-o8$142,600$5,920
39.797283508554-75.029511620460415_13605_4616 Crane Placeredacted-o8$133,300$5,534
39.797308977981-75.0298763361120415_13605_21322 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$117,100$4,862
39.797350869585-75.0294008318990415_13605_4514 Crane Placeredacted-o8$135,200$5,613
39.797402734197-75.0299307900790415_13605_20320 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$131,300$5,451
39.797409786733-75.0293038383270415_13605_4412 Crane Placeredacted-o8$129,100$5,360
39.797464695457-75.0292112639670415_13605_4310 Crane Placeredacted-o8$114,800$4,766
39.797476138529-75.0299900556380415_13605_19318 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$136,600$5,671
39.797519222785-75.0291184599250415_13605_428 Crane Placeredacted-o8$116,900$4,853
39.797550156946-75.0300468410290415_13605_18316 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$132,400$5,497
39.797573490346-75.0290260987790415_13605_416 Crane Placeredacted-o8$116,000$4,816
39.797624228915-75.0301034074530415_13605_17314 Cherrywood Driveredacted-o8$123,000$5,106

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