// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1118 Glendora Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Gloucester Township, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1118 Glendora Avenue, Gloucester Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0415_1308_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1118 Glendora Avenue, Gloucester Township, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1308, Lot: 11
Assessment (2022): $180,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 23,456
Area: 14904.7 acres
Perimeter: 31.36 miles
Population 2020: 66034
Pop Density 2020: 2835/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Gloucester Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.842794962846-75.0678301240960415_1107_8115 Eleventh Avenueredacted-o8$138,500$5,509
39.843521141738-75.0677899808910415_1105_9125 Twelfth Avenueredacted-o8$117,100$4,658
39.843809006136-75.0677736238470415_1105_7128 Thirteenth Avenueredacted-o8$155,000$6,165
39.843548523647-75.0676661733820415_1105_8129 Twelfth Avenueredacted-o8$128,600$5,115
39.84315389026-75.0676345214210415_1107_41113 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$220,500$8,771
39.842994572127-75.0675749880920415_1107_51109 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$187,600$7,462
39.842888163922-75.0675316993840415_1107_61107 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$7,200$286
39.842782412797-75.0674932102880415_1107_71101 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$7,200$286
39.843721114566-75.0672907482390415_1308_141200 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$194,900$7,753
39.84331673365-75.0671409089860415_1308_111118 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$180,000$6,910
39.843808283987-75.0671403058060415_1308_151208 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$134,300$5,342
39.843186899175-75.0670948595650415_1308_101110 Glendora Avenueredacted-o8$166,200$6,111
39.842934652969-75.0669019721670415_1308_7205 Eleventh Avenueredacted-o8$213,100$7,733
39.843829901307-75.0665676567170415_1308_21117 St Marks Driveredacted-o8$179,600$7,144
39.843638246391-75.0665331076250415_1308_31113 St Marks Driveredacted-o8$171,800$6,834
39.843446134627-75.0665030439470415_1308_41109 St Marks Driveredacted-o8$172,100$6,846
39.843253754886-75.0664711273170415_1308_51105 St Marks Driveredacted-o8$188,100$7,482
39.843043529682-75.0664374108880415_1308_61101 St Marks Driveredacted-o8$182,800$7,021

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