// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Es N 24th 80 N Sherman owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Es N 24th 80 N Sherman, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_873_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Es N 24th 80 N Sherman, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 873, Lot: 11
Assessment (2022): $18,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

32 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.952502956049-75.0929075812320408_873_4740 No 24th Stredacted-o8$21,000$703
39.952452642388-75.092822858480408_873_5736 No 24th Stredacted-o8$78,000$2,362
39.952398136516-75.0927310745890408_873_6Es N 24th 240 N Shermanredacted-o8$22,000$736
39.952347822196-75.0926463515220408_873_7728 No 24th Stredacted-o8$67,800$2,270
39.952314280131-75.0925898694740408_873_8726 No 24th Stredacted-o8$81,200$2,719
39.952649025504-75.0925696402790408_873_16733 No 25th Stredacted-o8$119,100$3,988
39.952253099759-75.0925160427680408_873_9Es N 24th 160 N Shermanredacted-o8$7,200$241
39.952581941023-75.0924566749380408_873_17Ws N 25th 220 N Shermanredacted-o8$22,000$736
39.952196882106-75.0923921830620408_873_10Es N 24th 120 N Shermanredacted-o8$26,300$880
39.952531626492-75.0923719528640408_873_18Ws N 25th 200 N Shermanredacted-o8$4,000$133
39.95214656807-75.092307460320408_873_55Es N 24th 100 N Shermanredacted-o8$18,000$602
39.952470446154-75.0922981254210408_873_19721 No 25th Stredacted-o8$62,300$2,086
39.952113026136-75.0922509779910408_873_11Es N 24th 80 N Shermanredacted-o8$18,000$602
39.952079482671-75.0921944969690408_873_54Es N 24th 60 N Shermanredacted-o8$18,000$602
39.952422614464-75.0921883852340408_873_20713 No 25th Stredacted-o8$53,000$1,774
39.95236391451-75.0920895425810408_873_21711 No 25th Stredacted-o8$36,000
39.952012397447-75.0920815337960408_873_12Ne 24th & Sherman Averedacted-o8$54,000$1,808
39.952305215015-75.0919906995650408_873_22709 No 25th Stredacted-o8$20,000$669
39.952139183062-75.0919544151910408_873_232413 Sherman Averedacted-o8$16,000$535
39.952175408322-75.0919180954630408_873_242415 Sherman Averedacted-o8$16,000$535
39.952211632736-75.0918817732750408_873_252417 Sherman Averedacted-o8$36,300$1,215
39.951878226933-75.0918556081870408_875_39Se 24th & Sherman Averedacted-o8$18,000$602
39.952247858146-75.0918454524720408_873_262419 Sherman Averedacted-o8$16,000$535
39.952284083172-75.0918091319070408_873_272421 Sherman Averedacted-o8$15,800$529
39.951844684041-75.0917991267180408_875_53638 No 24th Stredacted-o8$18,000$602
39.952320306023-75.0917728149830408_873_282423 Sherman Averedacted-o8$25,900$617
39.95179940141-75.0917228768630408_875_40632 No 24th Stredacted-o8$27,400$917
39.952589319505-75.0916873597980408_874_38711 No 27th Stredacted-o8$141,400$4,735
39.951757471751-75.0916522773160408_875_41630 No 24th Stredacted-o8$41,200$1,379
39.952078800523-75.0916094496030408_875_47Sw 25th & Sherman Averedacted-o8$32,700$1,095
39.951730638266-75.0916070912640408_875_42628 No 24th Stredacted-o8$43,200$1,446
39.951705481089-75.091564730190408_875_43626 No 24th Stredacted-o8$40,800$1,366

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