// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Ws N 25th 20 N Pierce owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Ws N 25th 20 N Pierce, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_831_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Ws N 25th 20 N Pierce, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 831, Lot: 21
Assessment (2022): $18,000
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 10'
Effective Flood Zone: AE X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

33 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.955493271224-75.0988193996040408_830_75Ws N 24th 80 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,100
39.956338511942-75.0987830499980408_831_11Ws N 25th 260 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955459731683-75.0987629117520408_830_76Ws N 24th 60 N Pierce Averedacted-o8$18,100
39.955970285987-75.0987468184170408_831_71228 No 24th Stredacted-o8$34,000
39.956305005573-75.0987265290070408_831_12Ws N 25th 240 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955426192221-75.0987064245680408_830_77Ws N 24th 40 N Pierce Averedacted-o8$18,100
39.956271433562-75.0986700733820408_831_13Ws N 25th 220 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955392651713-75.0986499378960408_830_78Ws N 24th 20 N Pierce Averedacted-o8$18,100
39.955903207179-75.0986338287070408_831_231226 No 24th Stredacted-o8$22,000
39.955836117935-75.0985208481190408_831_241224 No 24th Stredacted-o8$22,000
39.956170834783-75.0985005894770408_831_161219 No 25th Stredacted-o8$66,200$2,217
39.955769037152-75.0984078742150408_831_251222 No 24th Stredacted-o8$22,000
39.956070196588-75.0983311453980408_831_58Ws N 25th 100 N Pierceredacted-o8$5,600$187
39.95570193449-75.0982948706730408_831_261220 No 24th Stredacted-o8$22,000
39.956036687081-75.0982746259420408_831_181211 No 25th Stredacted-o8$45,200$1,513
39.955986371803-75.0981899201560408_831_191209 No 25th Stredacted-o8$52,600$1,761
39.955936038371-75.0981051936520408_831_21Ws N 25th 20 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955567761286-75.0980688812280408_835_591144 No 24th Stredacted-o8$22,200$743
39.955902507664-75.0980486770810408_831_22Nw 25th & Pierce Averedacted-o8$18,000
39.956451516704-75.098038946250408_836_571216 No 25th Stredacted-o8$38,500$1,289
39.95640120742-75.0979542144820408_836_341212 No 25th Stredacted-o8$94,400$3,161
39.955467141632-75.0978994199320408_835_11140 No 24th Stredacted-o8$70,500$2,361
39.956350897891-75.097869482320408_836_35Es N 25th 60 N Pierceredacted-o8$4,000$133
39.955785117518-75.0978509713270408_835_11Sw 25th & Pierce Averedacted-o8$22,000
39.956317357629-75.0978129945790408_836_36Es N 25th 40 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955718038183-75.0977379965240408_835_12Ws N 25th 40 S Pierce Averedacted-o8$22,000$736
39.956267047525-75.0977282626570408_836_371200 No 25th Stredacted-o8$22,000$736
39.955650958342-75.0976250220380408_835_131137 No 25th Stredacted-o8$70,200$2,351
39.956149658108-75.0975305567460408_840_281146 No 25th Stredacted-o8$18,000$602
39.955583878797-75.0975120475890408_835_141133 No 25th Stredacted-o8$81,500$2,729
39.956467634229-75.0974821050090408_836_52Nw 26th & Pierce Averedacted-o8$4,000$133
39.956116117867-75.0974740686330408_840_291144 No 25th Stredacted-o8$75,400$2,525
39.955516798605-75.0973990746440408_835_151129 No 25th Stredacted-o8$81,300$2,722

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