// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Es N 22nd 280 N Pierce owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Es N 22nd 280 N Pierce, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_829_6

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Es N 22nd 280 N Pierce, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 829, Lot: 6
Assessment (2022): $8,400
Effective BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 11'
Effective Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

46 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.954816535972-75.1008404658350408_828_961253 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$57,800$1,935
39.954784674545-75.1007868027780408_828_591251 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$53,600$1,795
39.954761198061-75.1007472607120408_828_601249 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$68,300$2,287
39.954737721087-75.1007077194880408_828_611247 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$53,600$1,795
39.954714243324-75.1006681785480408_828_621245 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$16,600$555
39.954690767293-75.1006286360960408_828_951243 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$54,200$1,795
39.954667290678-75.1005890944110408_828_631241 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$53,600$1,795
39.954643813515-75.1005495531140408_828_641239 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$53,600$1,795
39.954620336967-75.1005100115590408_828_651237 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$62,200$2,083
39.955197556766-75.10046751410408_829_1Se 22nd & Harrison Averedacted-o8$19,400
39.954590151489-75.100459173470408_828_941235 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$61,100$2,046
39.955164016594-75.1004110272110408_829_2Es N 22nd 360 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.954553258882-75.1003970371340408_828_671231 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$61,100$2,046
39.955130479001-75.1003545380630408_829_3Es N 22nd 340 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.954523074386-75.1003461976610408_828_681229 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$61,000$2,042
39.954499597704-75.1003066563650408_828_931227 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$58,100$1,945
39.955096940665-75.1002980495470408_829_4Es N 22nd 320 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955063401629-75.1002415617690408_829_5Es N 22nd 300 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955452955625-75.1002114803680408_829_20Sw 23rd & Harrison Averedacted-o8$18,000
39.955029863206-75.1001850741890408_829_6Es N 22nd 280 N Pierceredacted-o8$8,400
39.955419416993-75.1001549919270408_829_21Ws N 23rd 360 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954996323919-75.1001285869670408_829_7Es N 22nd 260 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955385878748-75.1000985033710408_829_22Ws N 23rd 340 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954962786258-75.1000720984030408_829_8Es N 22nd 240 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955352339107-75.100042015850408_829_23Ws N 23rd 320 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.95492924756-75.1000156108490408_829_9Es N 22nd 220 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955318800733-75.0999855276420408_829_24Ws N 23rd 300 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954895708383-75.0999591233460408_829_10Es N 22nd 200 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955285261946-75.099929039840408_829_25Ws N 23rd 280 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954862170784-75.0999026345370408_829_11Es N 22nd 180 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955251723548-75.0998725518230408_829_26Ws N 23rd 260 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954828630589-75.0998461480630408_829_12Es N 22nd 160 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955218184782-75.0998160638850408_829_27Ws N 23rd 240 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954795092651-75.0997896591540408_829_13Es N 22nd 140 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955184645608-75.0997595763450408_829_28Ws N 23rd 220 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954761552853-75.0997331729340408_829_14Es N 22nd 120 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955151107201-75.0997030883480408_829_29Ws N 23rd 200 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954728014491-75.0996766852330408_829_15Es N 22nd 100 N Pierceredacted-o8$19,400
39.955117568124-75.0996466005270408_829_30Ws N 23rd 180 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955084029441-75.0995901120990408_829_31Ws N 23rd 160 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954669320863-75.0995778327160408_829_161212 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$104,800$3,509
39.955577763926-75.0995456957310408_830_46Es N 23rd 260 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.955050489508-75.0995336254850408_829_32Ws N 23rd 140 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.95554422462-75.0994892086080408_830_47Es N 23rd 240 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000
39.954536567828-75.0994856428620408_829_191200 No 22nd Stredacted-o8$23,500$787
39.955016951373-75.0994771374580408_829_33Ws N 23rd 120 N Pierceredacted-o8$18,000

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