// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Es Norris 97 N Everett St owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Es Norris 97 N Everett St, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_1346_71

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Es Norris 97 N Everett St, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1346, Lot: 71
Assessment (2022): $22,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.927855967138-75.1015277780090408_1349_11500 Norris Stredacted-o8$26,500$887
39.928126498769-75.102208214680408_1343_1171289 Everett Stredacted-o8$37,900$1,019
39.928131255279-75.1021435745130408_1343_1161291 Everett Stredacted-o8$36,900$1,235
39.928135303472-75.1020885539320408_1343_1151293 Everett Stredacted-o8$5,500
39.928138850206-75.1020403495930408_1343_1141295 Everett Stredacted-o8$30,600$1,024
39.928142777555-75.1019869627950408_1343_1131297 Everett Stredacted-o8$36,000$1,205
39.928147545531-75.1019221812110408_1343_1121299 Everett Stredacted-o8$38,900$2,374
39.928167085016-75.1010561919640408_1346_72Ns Evertt 140 E Norrisredacted-o8$12,500
39.928171050699-75.1016027090510408_1346_63Ne Everett & Norris Stsredacted-o8$10,800
39.928184108823-75.1014252247380408_1346_651307 Everett Stredacted-o8$14,700$492
39.928197166461-75.1012477407830408_1346_67Ns Evertt 100 E Norrisredacted-o8$10,800
39.928381240311-75.1015315812830408_1346_71Es Norris 97 N Everett Stredacted-o8$22,600
39.928403552158-75.1020972456150408_1343_83Ss Whitman 600 E Louis Stredacted-o8$14,600$488
39.92841399872-75.1019552576820408_1343_82Sw Whitman & Norris Stredacted-o8$3,800$127
39.928751179097-75.1020008685140408_1333_41Ns Whitman 660 E Louis Stredacted-o8$5,000
39.928769951719-75.1020747243630408_1333_42Ns Whitman 640 E Louis Stredacted-o8$5,600
39.92879536606-75.1022234436870408_1333_43Ns Whitman 580 E Louis Stredacted-o8$14,200
39.928832046486-75.1010928162690408_1337_291307 Whitman/1420 Bannardredacted-o8$6,500
39.928886821741-75.1010109510220408_1337_30Ns Whitman 240 W Pershingredacted-o8$6,800
39.928892048227-75.1009399564550408_1337_31Ns Whitman 220 W Pershingredacted-o8$6,800
39.928897271857-75.1008689628930408_1337_32Ns Whitman 200 W Pershingredacted-o8$6,800
39.92890778547-75.101139016760408_1337_281418 Bannard Averedacted-o8$5,500

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