// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2657-2663 Berkley St owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2657-2663 Berkley St, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_1176_12

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2657-2663 Berkley St, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1176, Lot: 12
Assessment (2022): $720,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.942144619155-75.0857519074130408_1176_26316 Marlton Averedacted-o8$64,900$2,173
39.942109423601-75.0856753590740408_1176_68318 Marlton Averedacted-o8$64,900$2,173
39.942369260816-75.0856443448950408_1176_19331 Grand Averedacted-o8$890,900$29,836
39.942067188538-75.0855835017390408_1176_69320 Marlton Averedacted-o8$71,900$2,407
39.941520153681-75.085548270530408_1255_8341 Marlton Averedacted-o8$54,000$1,808
39.942014394083-75.0854686805750408_1176_21Es Marlton 200 S Bensonredacted-o8$23,000$770
39.941482374381-75.0854661041350408_1255_102343 Marlton Averedacted-o8$117,900$3,948
39.941444594697-75.0853839389740408_1255_58345 Marlton Averedacted-o8$62,200$2,083
39.941991451319-75.0850710400990408_1176_122657-2663 Berkley Stredacted-o8$720,000$24,112
39.942539067143-75.0850218474140408_1178_74Ws Eutaw 113 N Grand/Eutwredacted-o8$2,500$83
39.942461811354-75.0848695476920408_1178_64344 Grand Averedacted-o8$88,100$2,950
39.941634440947-75.0846421268560408_1180_4402-404 Marlton Averedacted-o8$247,300$8,282
39.941768875569-75.0844959682410408_1180_12662 Berkley Stredacted-o8$74,200$2,484
39.941563698501-75.0844893051350408_1180_57Es Marlton 80 S Berkleyredacted-o8$19,000
39.941820926667-75.0844555747830408_1180_102664 Berkley Stredacted-o8$74,800$2,505
39.941863349029-75.0844226512260408_1180_182666 Berkley Stredacted-o8$74,600$2,498
39.941521644197-75.0843970219740408_1180_58416 Marlton Averedacted-o8$75,600$2,531
39.941905653466-75.0843898195750408_1180_162668 Berkley Stredacted-o8$68,200$2,284
39.942485574367-75.0843757041240408_1179_24264 Eutaw Averedacted-o8$126,800$4,246
39.941969822964-75.0843751538830408_1180_192670 Berkley Stredacted-o8$73,800$2,471

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