// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2901 Saunders St owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2901 Saunders St, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_1100_39

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2901 Saunders St, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1100, Lot: 39
Assessment (2022): $21,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

31 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.950140867149-75.0863260560470408_1099_432832 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$23,000
39.950506442505-75.0862783347470408_1095_83401 No 29th Stredacted-o8$2,900$97
39.949855799868-75.0862510076580408_1099_522829 Saunders Stredacted-o8$69,000$2,310
39.950182969478-75.0862340849930408_1099_442838 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$19,000$636
39.949890884965-75.0861743658510408_1099_53Ns Saunders 120 W 29th Stredacted-o8$19,000
39.950225072185-75.0861421143870408_1099_452842 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$23,000$770
39.949961055629-75.0860210814520408_1099_542839 Saunders Stredacted-o8$108,000$3,616
39.950281208632-75.0860194862740408_1099_46319 No 29th Stredacted-o8$89,800$3,007
39.950045260775-75.0858371400770408_1099_562843 Saunders Stredacted-o8$23,000$770
39.950382888216-75.0857994760890408_1100_262900 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$25,800
39.950410864683-75.0857381677320408_1100_272902 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$22,100
39.950438867412-75.0856768030090408_1100_28Ss Mitchell 40 E 29th Stredacted-o8$21,700
39.950146744931-75.0856175566510408_1100_392901 Saunders Stredacted-o8$21,700
39.950466870144-75.0856154382620408_1100_902906 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$21,700
39.949703852937-75.0855606998970408_1103_61216 No 29th Stredacted-o8$43,600$1,460
39.950508873821-75.0855233905010408_1100_29Ss Mitchell 80 E 29th Stredacted-o8$28,500
39.950195723152-75.0855102244740408_1100_87Ns Saunders 20 E 29th Stredacted-o8$31,800
39.949672129054-75.0854621822790408_1103_62214 No 29th Stredacted-o8$68,500$2,294
39.950557877291-75.0854160012940408_1100_30.012912 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$132,700$703
39.950265729198-75.0853568122180408_1100_402909 Saunders Stredacted-o8$55,100$1,845
39.949892862367-75.085329489110408_1104_93Se Saunders & 29th Stredacted-o8$19,800
39.95060106205-75.0853257324010408_1100_30.022916 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$132,600$699
39.950647476657-75.0852164601170408_1100_312918 Mitchell Stredacted-o8$74,900$2,508
39.950338240708-75.085197907630408_1100_422917 Saunders Stredacted-o8$25,600$857
39.949941668606-75.0851672486380408_1104_50Ss Saunders 60 E 29th Stredacted-o8$22,300
39.950403752348-75.0850543443270408_1100_432919 Saunders Stredacted-o8$23,000$770
39.949620232492-75.0850149855970408_1103_722917 High Stredacted-o8$86,300$2,890
39.949991500369-75.0849959657570408_1104_51Ss Saunders 100 E 29thredacted-o8$27,600
39.950436247625-75.0849831288250408_1100_94Ns Saunders 214 E 29th Stredacted-o8$1,400
39.949648858995-75.0849134434580408_1103_732919 High Stredacted-o8$80,200$2,685
39.950468744934-75.0849119149230408_1100_44Ns Saunders 221 E 29th Stredacted-o8$23,000

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