// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 3185 Highland Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 3185 Highland Ave, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_1084_6

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 3185 Highland Ave, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1084, Lot: 6
Assessment (2022): $66,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.942474001681-75.0754626205450408_1080_443161 Highland Averedacted-o8$39,200$1,312
39.942555219315-75.0753666552620408_1080_66Ns Highland 98 E Fountainredacted-o8$15,900$532
39.94264701034-75.0752439414020408_1080_73171 Highland Averedacted-o8$84,800$2,839
39.942716811996-75.0755320925610408_1080_17Ws Burwood 101 N Highlandredacted-o8$10,000$334
39.942877132071-75.0750240325120408_1084_49394 Burwood Averedacted-o8$87,900$2,943
39.942983627261-75.0748907679950408_1084_63185 Highland Averedacted-o8$66,200$2,217
39.943060463329-75.0752322379780408_1084_48368 Burwood Averedacted-o8$106,100$3,553
39.943156298852-75.0754574950980408_1084_39362 Burwood Averedacted-o8$101,900$3,412
39.943163682271-75.0746601859460408_1085_423203 Highland Averedacted-o8$68,400$2,290
39.943204320824-75.074612208980408_1085_433205 Highland Averedacted-o8$64,900$2,173
39.943217925328-75.075111133730408_1084_75267 So 32nd Stredacted-o8$77,900$2,608
39.943236831984-75.0745738269160408_1085_443207 Highland Averedacted-o8$66,000$2,210
39.943269343465-75.0745354459370408_1085_453209 Highland Averedacted-o8$65,600$2,196
39.943301853717-75.07449706410408_1085_463211 Highland Averedacted-o8$64,400$2,156
39.943320077381-75.0752153295680408_1084_73265 So 32nd Stredacted-o8$99,500$3,332
39.943340460669-75.0744514868980408_1085_473213 Highland Averedacted-o8$62,500$2,093
39.943385162935-75.0743987116030408_1085_483219 Highland Averedacted-o8$39,800$1,332
39.943401838704-75.0752513513340408_1084_71259 So 32nd Stredacted-o8$85,000$2,346
39.943423770341-75.0743531337520408_1085_493221 Highland Averedacted-o8$56,800$1,902
39.94345628192-75.074314752540408_1085_503223 Highland Averedacted-o8$64,400$2,156
39.943460112586-75.075516972120408_1084_663178 Berkley Stredacted-o8$90,700$3,037
39.943488793149-75.0742763707560408_1085_513225 Highland Averedacted-o8$64,400$2,156
39.94348906071-75.0752797367170408_1084_69257 So 32nd Stredacted-o8$83,400$2,793
39.943521303745-75.0742379889560408_1085_523227 Highland Averedacted-o8$67,200$2,250

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