// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 3122 Fremont Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Camden, Camden County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 3122 Fremont Ave, Camden, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0408_1081_2

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 3122 Fremont Ave, Camden, New Jersey
County: Camden
Block: 1081, Lot: 2
Assessment (2022): $37,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 32,736
Area: 6698.94 acres
Perimeter: 17.59 miles
Population 2020: 71791
Pop Density 2020: 6859/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Camden whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.943754785666-75.0777993001890408_1073_82257 Burwood Averedacted-o8$57,700$1,932
39.943732082431-75.077750456770408_1073_52259 Burwood Averedacted-o8$54,000$1,808
39.943712214943-75.0777077165490408_1073_85261 Burwood Averedacted-o8$54,900$1,838
39.943692345635-75.0776649780980408_1073_86263 Burwood Averedacted-o8$53,800$1,801
39.943668218664-75.0776130821360408_1073_53265 Burwood Averedacted-o8$57,300$1,668
39.943639835821-75.0775520261870408_1073_83Ws Burwood 140 S Fremontredacted-o8$20,000$669
39.944057704797-75.0774940997130408_1081_613108 Fremont Averedacted-o8$74,400$2,491
39.943993779181-75.0772932974920408_1081_13.01264 Burwood Averedacted-o8$91,100$3,050
39.94417045493-75.0772317488970408_1081_13120 Fremont Averedacted-o8$72,600$2,431
39.943927702075-75.0771494835620408_1081_8272 Burwood Averedacted-o8$86,000$1,523
39.944169404753-75.0771300823260408_1081_23122 Fremont Averedacted-o8$37,800$1,265
39.944166389929-75.0770645121390408_1081_33124 Fremont Averedacted-o8$65,500$2,193
39.943878455175-75.0770423017190408_1081_18.01274 Burwood Averedacted-o8$68,000$2,277
39.944186159044-75.0770137385550408_1081_43126 Fremont Averedacted-o8$38,500$1,289
39.944207185452-75.0769636346280408_1081_63128 Fremont Averedacted-o8$73,400$2,458
39.944228212291-75.0769135300890408_1081_73130 Fremont Averedacted-o8$67,300$2,253
39.943797550306-75.0768662163910408_1081_29280 Burwood Averedacted-o8$70,000$2,344
39.944254363398-75.076851212530408_1081_783132 Fremont Averedacted-o8$41,300$1,383
39.944296284383-75.0767513171910408_1081_53142 Freemont Averedacted-o8$24,000$803
39.944020703249-75.0766701466560408_1081_8.01Rear 225-247 Wilmot Stredacted-o8$67,700
39.943699060358-75.0766518606650408_1081_62298 Burwood Averedacted-o8$80,000$2,679
39.944345564055-75.0766338848880408_1081_11Ss Fremont 95 W Wilmot Stredacted-o8$7,000$234
39.944384987267-75.0765399386450408_1081_103152 Fremont Averedacted-o8$79,900$2,675
39.943641374292-75.0765263138340408_1081_78.01310 Burwood Averedacted-o8$60,600$2,029
39.944448847444-75.0764174659570408_1081_93154 Fremont Averedacted-o8$90,800$3,040

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