// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 502 Eayrestown Road owned by redacted-o9 in Southampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 502 Eayrestown Road, Southampton Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0333_901_17_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 502 Eayrestown Road, Southampton Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 901, Lot: 17, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2022): $17,900
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,945
Area: 28422.3 acres
Perimeter: 33.50 miles
Population 2020: 10317
Pop Density 2020: 232/sq-mi

23 neighbors on block 901 in Southampton Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.932061508426-74.7736041911070333_901_1501 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$285,900$8,571
39.932381324016-74.7742219466130333_901_2503 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$240,100$7,198
39.932711256886-74.7748358681880333_901_3505 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$225,500$6,760
39.933064858857-74.7755537994410333_901_4507 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$142,000$4,257
39.933495443377-74.7764168940530333_901_5509 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$249,200$7,471
39.933951710887-74.7770281175880333_901_6511 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$264,100
39.934637328355-74.7772829058930333_901_7513 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$287,300$8,613
39.935106904868-74.7777117662470333_901_8515 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$250,000$7,495
39.935575545456-74.7781374470330333_901_9517 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$238,600$7,153
39.936045646185-74.7785701644660333_901_10519 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$248,900$7,212
39.936489106508-74.7790365747140333_901_11521 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$236,200$6,581
39.936932016708-74.7795083488820333_901_12523 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$213,400$6,397
39.937381452719-74.7799916357180333_901_13525 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$267,400$8,016
39.937823868364-74.7805473988980333_901_14527 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$280,200$8,400
39.937324159737-74.7811556936030333_901_15530 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$267,800$8,028
39.937790668332-74.7814515255650333_901_16529 Meadowyck Laneredacted-o8$314,900$9,440
0333_901_17_QFARM502 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$17,900$536
39.936925517697-74.78074707210333_901_17.01528 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$309,500$9,278
39.936463293585-74.7804230104060333_901_17.02526 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$341,200$10,229
39.936015221372-74.7800527473240333_901_17.03524 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$311,700$9,344
39.932986350041-74.7786035827780333_901_17.04522 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$288,200$8,640
39.929857712283-74.7766539100730333_901_17.05500 Eayrestown Roadredacted-o8$85,600$2,566
0333_901_17.06_QFARM1690 Church Roadredacted-o8$5,300$158

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