// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 139 Friendship Road owned by redacted-o9 in Southampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 139 Friendship Road, Southampton Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0333_3102_9_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 139 Friendship Road, Southampton Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 3102, Lot: 9, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2022): $1,400
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,945
Area: 28422.3 acres
Perimeter: 33.50 miles
Population 2020: 10317
Pop Density 2020: 232/sq-mi

22 neighbors on block 3102 in Southampton Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.884751840413-74.7288976685080333_3102_13 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$235,200$7,051
39.884309141176-74.7267024869280333_3102_25 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$14,600$335
39.885244512462-74.7244581014460333_3102_3Route 70redacted-o8$100
39.884784283489-74.7228570069210333_3102_41952 Route 70redacted-o8$6,400
39.885166038924-74.7184995512460333_3102_51978 Route 70redacted-o8$500
39.882940557377-74.7235515334460333_3102_615 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$195,500$5,861
0333_3102_6_QFARM15 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$26,000$779
39.882877547919-74.7162393690240333_3102_7269 New Roadredacted-o8$14,900$446
39.879695210299-74.7162487081160333_3102_9139 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$214,800$6,439
0333_3102_9_QFARM139 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$1,400$41
39.878914400468-74.7138082707990333_3102_10241 New Roadredacted-o8$307,700$9,224
39.877860022406-74.7153392568920333_3102_11.02143 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$386,800$11,596
39.876671358889-74.7129479495130333_3102_12151 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$209,400$6,277
39.876352274929-74.7115167383270333_3102_13221 New Roadredacted-o8$270,500$8,109
39.880785399575-74.7192089934590333_3102_14123 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$85,700$2,569
39.880343810281-74.7234045400170333_3102_14.0127 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$3,200$95
39.879932992824-74.7229132227760333_3102_14.0229 Friendship Roadredacted-o8$266,400$7,986
39.884782470424-74.7174223325760333_3102_14.031986 Route 70redacted-o8$2,500
39.878197936632-74.7131546992180333_3102_15237 New Roadredacted-o8$233,900$6,762
39.877880594609-74.7126605568340333_3102_16235 New Roadredacted-o8$198,400$5,948
39.877421307424-74.7125158211280333_3102_17233 New Roadredacted-o8$228,800$6,859
39.87695806403-74.7120944326870333_3102_18231 New Roadredacted-o8$250,900$7,521

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