// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 400 Seventh St owned by redacted-o9 in Riverton Borough, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 400 Seventh St, Riverton Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0331_1102_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 400 Seventh St, Riverton Borough, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 1102, Lot: 18
Assessment (2022): $232,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,112
Area: 594.51 acres
Perimeter: 4.71 miles
Population 2020: 2764
Pop Density 2020: 2976/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Riverton Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.007422259563-75.0100163770550331_1105_3307 Seventh Stredacted-o8$166,400$6,075
40.007471757614-75.0107231892520331_1103_13304 Seventh Stredacted-o8$187,000$6,577
40.007507212459-75.0100386131740331_1105_1309 Seventh Stredacted-o8$145,700$5,319
40.007538699724-75.0110360440330331_1103_11628 Lippincott Averedacted-o8$199,900$7,048
40.007638347416-75.0106125600760331_1103_12306 Seventh St.redacted-o8$252,600$9,222
40.007640205414-75.0099055051010331_1104_14401 Seventh Stredacted-o8$150,500$5,494
40.007696317194-75.0111004100280331_1103_10626 Lippincott Averedacted-o8$198,200$7,236
40.007710596845-75.0098560071860331_1104_13403 Seventh Stredacted-o8$146,000$5,330
40.007781004805-75.0098154504980331_1104_12405 Seventh Stredacted-o8$134,500$4,910
40.007839384116-75.0097681022170331_1104_11407 Seventh Stredacted-o8$132,300$4,580
40.00790264757-75.0097355886610331_1104_10409 Seventh Stredacted-o8$147,900$5,399
40.007947893132-75.0103947724790331_1102_18400 Seventh Stredacted-o8$232,200$8,477
40.007964976724-75.009692041680331_1104_9411 Seventh Stredacted-o8$153,300$5,596
40.008099662621-75.0102952600660331_1102_19402 Seventh Stredacted-o8$232,900$8,503
40.008215345844-75.0106071656350331_1102_17633 Lippincott Averedacted-o8$217,700$7,948
40.008231400917-75.0102084219950331_1102_20404 Seventh Stredacted-o8$263,100$9,605
40.008298933704-75.0108231112630331_1102_16631 Lippincott Averedacted-o8$205,900$7,517
40.008362313459-75.0100936835080331_1102_21406 Seventh Stredacted-o8$216,900$7,919
40.008373554736-75.0110134268910331_1102_15629 Lippincott Averedacted-o8$219,200$8,002

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