// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 117 Adams St owned by redacted-o9 in Riverside Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 117 Adams St, Riverside Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0330_802_24

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 117 Adams St, Riverside Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 802, Lot: 24
Assessment (2022): $108,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,871
Area: 1047.19 acres
Perimeter: 5.11 miles
Population 2020: 8003
Pop Density 2020: 4891/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Riverside Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.038427771632-74.9614139503510330_801_8109 Lafayette Streetredacted-o8$289,600$11,219
40.038441088888-74.9619314437570330_801_7Adams Streetredacted-o8$156,000
40.038476990808-74.9611082946220330_801_11107 Lafayette Stredacted-o8$320,000$12,396
40.038915456859-74.9622708135660330_802_28133 Adams Stredacted-o8$129,700$5,024
40.038930062597-74.962129627650330_802_27129 Adams Stredacted-o8$124,700$4,830
40.038948029101-74.9619502255920330_802_26123 Adams Stredacted-o8$124,800$4,584
40.038962586908-74.9617954806680330_802_25119 Adams Stredacted-o8$113,500$4,396
40.038971910087-74.9617047681350330_802_24117 Adams Stredacted-o8$108,500$4,203
40.038980043309-74.9616273135980330_802_23115 Adams Stredacted-o8$107,400$4,160
40.038987828137-74.9615497862750330_802_22113 Adams Stredacted-o8$119,000$4,610
40.038992245578-74.9612212065210330_802_20112-114 Madison Stredacted-o8$206,800$8,011
40.038992428036-74.9614493677960330_802_21111 Adams Stredacted-o8$114,300$4,427
40.039184193005-74.9623538685770330_802_10.02138 Monroe Stredacted-o8$82,100$3,180
40.039191282845-74.9622823956870330_802_10.01136 Monroe Stredacted-o8$89,100$3,451
40.039200797139-74.9612716613860330_802_19122 Madison Stredacted-o8$117,700$4,559
40.03920129214-74.9621761038290330_802_10130 Monroe Stredacted-o8$38,400$1,487
40.039215441512-74.9620326878310330_802_11128 Monroe Streetredacted-o8$131,600$5,098
40.039227409924-74.9619254388610330_802_12126 Monroe Stredacted-o8$9,800$379
40.039234832792-74.9618547729540330_802_13122 Monroe Stredacted-o8$76,400$2,959
40.039240957154-74.961783971280330_802_14120 Monroe Streetredacted-o8$79,000$3,060
40.039252297658-74.9616771009130330_802_15116 Monroe Stredacted-o8$148,700$5,760
40.03926600361-74.9615356447660330_802_16114 Monroe Stredacted-o8$136,300$5,280
40.039337106394-74.9612959642450330_802_18128 Madison Streetredacted-o8$101,500$3,932
40.039399386231-74.9613067852790330_802_17130 Madison Stredacted-o8$111,100$4,304

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