// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 807 Ginger Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Mount Laurel Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 807 Ginger Ct, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0324_1600_193_C0071

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 807 Ginger Ct, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 1600, Lot: 193, QCode: C0071
Assessment (2022): $118,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 18,880
Area: 14073 acres
Perimeter: 22.56 miles
Population 2020: 44633
Pop Density 2020: 2030/sq-mi

17 neighbors in Mount Laurel Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.936818588385-74.9149179645930324_1600_193_C0068903 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$139,200$4,135
39.936698894311-74.9148571346310324_1600_193_C0067907 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$120,700
39.936846093559-74.914820530680324_1600_193_C0065901 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$141,600$3,956
39.936728235158-74.9147598986710324_1600_193_C0066905 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$118,300$3,514
39.936563825931-74.9145323397180324_1600_193_C0072803 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$118,300$3,514
39.93663603069-74.9144920050860324_1600_193_C0069801 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$120,700$3,086
39.936520094827-74.9143989659730324_1600_193_C0071807 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$118,300$3,514
39.936592112339-74.914359433470324_1600_193_C0070805 Ginger Ctredacted-o8$118,300$3,514
39.936442946231-74.9141586164630324_1600_193_C0096704b Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936405221314-74.9141376163380324_1600_193_C0095703a Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936515646357-74.9141170075040324_1600_193_C0090702b Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936466410957-74.9140848528490324_1600_193_C0089701a Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936392707647-74.9140057442860324_1600_193_C0094708b Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936349201155-74.9139569286050324_1600_193_C0093707a Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.936460165734-74.9139502126320324_1600_193_C0092706b Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.93641263052-74.9139235937550324_1600_193_C0091705a Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761
39.937055506984-74.9137133280324_1600_193_C00551203a Ginger Ctredacted-o8$126,600$3,761

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