// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 4 Eddystone Way owned by redacted-o9 in Mount Laurel Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 4 Eddystone Way, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0324_1509_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 4 Eddystone Way, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 1509, Lot: 26
Assessment (2022): $170,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 18,880
Area: 14073 acres
Perimeter: 22.56 miles
Population 2020: 44633
Pop Density 2020: 2030/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Mount Laurel Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.93425850584-74.9127189493470324_1510_2111 West Cortland Ctredacted-o8$170,600$5,068
39.934143307334-74.9125684607810324_1510_2013 West Cortland Ctredacted-o8$174,700$5,190
39.93345132665-74.9125640286320324_1509_3010 East Cortland Ctredacted-o8$168,800$5,015
39.933608100289-74.9124579761660324_1509_2912 East Cortland Ctredacted-o8$169,500$4,785
39.933786482097-74.912412932140324_1509_2814 East Cortland Ctredacted-o8$172,400$5,122
39.933991618355-74.9121838003210324_1509_272 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$177,700$5,279
39.933551038203-74.9121439872930324_1509_1722 Danville Ctredacted-o8$171,900$5,107
39.933929553909-74.9120075085460324_1509_264 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$170,400$4,812
39.933633214407-74.9119485374110324_1509_1820 Danville Ctredacted-o8$169,500$5,035
39.93440522288-74.9119172251490324_1513_691 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$172,000$5,110
39.933898169431-74.9118432005480324_1509_256 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$170,600$5,068
39.934341241629-74.9117381172080324_1513_683 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$169,900$5,047
39.93357260797-74.9116993833360324_1509_1918 Danville Ctredacted-o8$167,400$4,723
39.933854302916-74.9116806778940324_1509_248 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$170,700$4,821
39.934287632739-74.9115819228140324_1513_675 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$173,400$5,151
39.933806127175-74.91151368690324_1509_2310 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$169,200$4,776
39.933391943588-74.9114766776430324_1509_2016 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$166,800$4,955
39.93423375728-74.9114270043450324_1513_667 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$169,800$4,794
39.933524183278-74.9113431828150324_1509_2114 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$171,600$4,848
39.933702626854-74.9113428736610324_1509_2212 Eddystone Wayredacted-o8$171,000$4,830

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