// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 32a East Daisy La owned by redacted-o9 in Mount Laurel Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 32a East Daisy La, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0324_1402_39_C3201

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 32a East Daisy La, Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 1402, Lot: 39, QCode: C3201
Assessment (2022): $105,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 18,880
Area: 14073 acres
Perimeter: 22.56 miles
Population 2020: 44633
Pop Density 2020: 2030/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Mount Laurel Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.937947324974-74.9266927560610324_1402_39_C260126a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$113,100
39.937968046718-74.9267867577910324_1402_39_C270127a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$107,800$3,202
39.937978054658-74.9269004173470324_1402_39_C280128a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$107,800$3,202
39.937983251942-74.9269854147410324_1402_39_C290129a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$113,100$3,360
39.937995638373-74.9267199220740324_1402_39_C260226b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$114,800$3,410
39.937997273302-74.9271150411070324_1402_39_C300130a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$113,100$3,360
39.938009856617-74.9272098914510324_1402_39_C310131a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$110,700$3,288
39.938019738831-74.9268045255970324_1402_39_C270227b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$109,300$2,997
39.938025260924-74.9273340602050324_1402_39_C320132a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$105,400$3,131
39.938028010525-74.9269197969420324_1402_39_C280228b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$109,300$3,247
39.938036426104-74.9274551962640324_1402_39_C330133a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$113,100$3,360
39.938038698513-74.9270077245880324_1402_39_C290229b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$92,000$2,733
39.9380441568-74.9275662084820324_1402_39_C340134a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$132,700$3,942
39.938051748261-74.9271406240050324_1402_39_C300230b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$114,800
39.938070971568-74.9272296771640324_1402_39_C310231b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$114,800$3,410
39.938076737595-74.9273574144490324_1402_39_C320232b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$109,300$3,247
39.938086601709-74.9274206057740324_1402_39_C330233b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$114,800$3,410
39.93810087549-74.9275971390460324_1402_39_C340234b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$135,900$4,037
39.938197044663-74.9267055056380324_1402_39East Daisy Laredacted-o8
39.938242125841-74.9274215744560324_1402_39_C350135a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$106,900$3,176
39.938268073312-74.9274734608120324_1402_39_C350235b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$111,000$3,297
39.938355262932-74.9273968387660324_1402_39_C360136a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$104,000$3,089
39.938381748729-74.9274521425370324_1402_39_C360236b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$105,500
39.93842819324-74.9273907676840324_1402_39_C370137a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$109,300$3,247
39.938454037752-74.9274444399390324_1402_39_C370237b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$111,000$3,297
39.9385255024-74.9273773136040324_1402_39_C380138a East Daisy Laredacted-o8$106,900$3,176
39.938553266131-74.9274351851550324_1402_39_C380238b East Daisy Laredacted-o8$111,000$3,297

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