// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 4 Deer Rest Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Moorestown Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 4 Deer Rest Rd, Moorestown Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0322_5705_17

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 4 Deer Rest Rd, Moorestown Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 5705, Lot: 17
Assessment (2022): $851,600
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,644
Area: 9578.59 acres
Perimeter: 18.26 miles
Population 2020: 21355
Pop Density 2020: 1427/sq-mi

29 neighbors on block 5705 in Moorestown Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.989353617031-74.9376410457950322_5705_11 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$622,900$16,737
39.989508327228-74.9380701972150322_5705_22 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$763,200$20,507
39.989677357645-74.9385177378920322_5705_33 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$914,100$24,561
39.989323435203-74.9389379944560322_5705_44 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$999,900$26,867
39.988917730058-74.9388460796330322_5705_55 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$858,100$23,057
39.988829655088-74.9383215275270322_5705_66 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$653,700$17,564
39.988698568506-74.9378922388590322_5705_77 White Tail Courtredacted-o8$673,100$17,836
39.98832945903-74.9376648701930322_5705_8629 Windsock Wayredacted-o8$773,200$20,775
39.987969780364-74.937672495770322_5705_91 Hayfield Ctredacted-o8$711,500$19,118
0322_5705_102 Hayfield Ctredacted-o8$903,700$24,282
0322_5705_113 Hayfield Ctredacted-o8$1,249,200$33,566
0322_5705_12900 Westfield Rdredacted-o8$732,900$19,693
0322_5705_13Westfield Rdredacted-o8
0322_5705_145 Hayfield Ctredacted-o8$839,900$22,568
39.987489609245-74.9380351724030322_5705_157 Hayfield Ctredacted-o8$761,000$20,448
39.987111939979-74.9381815059360322_5705_161 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$868,600$23,339
0322_5705_174 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$851,600$22,882
0322_5705_185 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$880,700$23,664
0322_5705_196 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$824,300$22,148
0322_5705_207 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$697,800$18,749
0322_5705_20_QFARM7 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$1,000$26
0322_5705_218 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$855,300$22,981
0322_5705_229 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$863,300$23,196
0322_5705_2310 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$815,900$21,923
0322_5705_2411 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$863,500$23,202
0322_5705_2512 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$865,900$23,266
0322_5705_2613 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$884,800$23,774
0322_5705_2714 Deer Rest Rdredacted-o8$868,400$23,333
0322_5705_28607 Windsock Wayredacted-o8$874,200$23,489

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