// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 56 Autumn Park Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Medford Township, Burlington County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 56 Autumn Park Drive, Medford Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0320_401_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 56 Autumn Park Drive, Medford Township, New Jersey
County: Burlington
Block: 401, Lot: 21
Assessment (2024): $320,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,278
Area: 25473.3 acres
Perimeter: 39.23 miles
Population 2020: 24497
Pop Density 2020: 615/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Medford Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.900505671506-74.8615510545450320_401_63Autumn Park Drive/Courtredacted-o8$500$16
39.900446725865-74.8614876564980320_401_1764 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$360,600$11,964
39.900852650588-74.8614663258680320_401_3565 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$365,200$12,117
39.900434600135-74.8613872939930320_401_1862 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$324,700$10,773
39.900840524842-74.8613659633590320_401_3663 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$323,800$10,743
39.900425240277-74.8613098230340320_401_1960 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$319,100$10,587
39.900831164972-74.8612884919450320_401_3761 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$326,800$10,843
39.900415880366-74.8612323520960320_401_2058 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$323,400$10,730
39.900819039516-74.8611881312540320_401_3859 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$360,900$11,974
39.900406519954-74.8611548811760320_401_2156 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$320,400$10,630
39.900804148416-74.8610648813080320_401_3957 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$365,200$12,117
39.900394394381-74.8610545205420320_401_2254 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$356,300$11,822
39.900792022767-74.8609645206940320_401_4055 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$323,800$10,743
39.900379503135-74.8609312708020320_401_2352 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$360,600$11,964
39.900782662628-74.8608870493880320_401_4153 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$326,800$10,843
39.900367376916-74.8608309108280320_401_2450 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$319,700$10,607
39.900770536824-74.8607866888360320_401_4251 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$360,900$11,974
39.900358016685-74.8607534400180320_401_2548 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$322,700$10,707
39.900348656915-74.860675969040320_401_2646 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$318,400$10,564
39.90033929697-74.8605984978790320_401_2744 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$319,700$10,607
39.90032717065-74.8604981379960320_401_2842 Autumn Park Driveredacted-o8$356,300$11,822
39.900707629836-74.8604960654820320_401_4318 Autumn Park Courtredacted-o8$360,900$11,974
39.900784927419-74.860480320790320_401_4420 Autumn Park Courtredacted-o8$324,500$10,766
39.900844596581-74.8604681667460320_401_4522 Autumn Park Courtredacted-o8$323,200$10,723
39.900904265804-74.8604560130540320_401_4624 Autumn Park Courtredacted-o8$323,200$10,723

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