// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 244 Marlboro Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Wood-Ridge Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 244 Marlboro Rd, Wood-Ridge Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0269_303_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 244 Marlboro Rd, Wood-Ridge Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 303, Lot: 5
Assessment (2023): $304,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,404
Area: 708.956 acres
Perimeter: 5.73 miles
Population 2020: 10137
Pop Density 2020: 9151/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Wood-Ridge Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.853428131817-74.0904938852510269_303_11260 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$304,000$8,588
40.853429879445-74.0911971128440269_303_29.01251 Highland Averedacted-o8$412,000$11,639
40.853495009218-74.0906072915350269_303_10258 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$318,500$8,997
40.853541956079-74.0913791120550269_303_29.02245 Highland Averedacted-o8$445,400$12,582
40.853563504463-74.0907246374970269_303_9256 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$351,900$9,941
40.853627441387-74.0908412542810269_303_8252 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$322,200$9,102
40.853640022364-74.0915116689390269_303_31241 Highland Averedacted-o8$357,800$10,107
40.853693751617-74.090957544450269_303_7250 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$317,100$8,958
40.853723866389-74.0912786431690269_303.02_30Highland Avenue-Rearredacted-o8
40.853735839545-74.0916641862490269_303_32237 Highland Averedacted-o8$404,600$11,429
40.853769434166-74.0910886977340269_303_6248 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$345,500$9,760
40.853822925589-74.091818917470269_303_33233 Highland Averedacted-o8$364,500$10,297
40.853876278071-74.0912128293190269_303_5244 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$304,100$8,590
40.853965349923-74.0913514005790269_303_4240 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$362,100$10,229
40.85398698531-74.090514808820269_310_25251 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$277,000$7,825
40.854053400397-74.0914918224390269_303_3236 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$484,900$13,698
40.854053597659-74.0906297411940269_310_26249 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$324,500$9,167
40.854122939906-74.0907484097490269_310_27245 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$292,800$8,271
40.854138770807-74.0916396743420269_303_2232 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$328,000$9,266
40.854207128921-74.0908776730090269_310_28241 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$383,100$10,822
40.854233918551-74.0918039776520269_303_1228 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$358,800$10,136
40.854298413631-74.0910159734570269_310_29237 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$390,100$10,314
40.854362679162-74.0905185035850269_310_6248 Windsor Rdredacted-o8$366,400$10,350
40.85438320655-74.0911594231390269_310_30233 Marlboro Rdredacted-o8$325,900$9,206

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