// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 189 Maple Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Wallington Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 189 Maple Avenue, Wallington Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0265_36_54

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 189 Maple Avenue, Wallington Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 36, Lot: 54
Assessment (2023): $371,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,520
Area: 670.452 acres
Perimeter: 5.30 miles
Population 2020: 11868
Pop Density 2020: 11329/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Wallington Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.851878022246-74.1142022941120265_34_4198 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$308,400$10,090
40.851949557563-74.1133681471450265_36_46205 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$239,800$7,846
40.852017100545-74.1134373656330265_36_47203 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$271,200$8,873
40.852084225077-74.1135058535490265_36_48201 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$247,900$8,111
40.852143515248-74.1143624483250265_34_2190 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$339,100$11,095
40.852146694132-74.1135707496590265_36_49199 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$251,500$8,229
40.852194175425-74.1131596899330265_36_24216 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$245,600$8,036
40.852210830051-74.113637490480265_36_51197 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$242,500$7,934
40.852253605822-74.1144772363760265_34_1186 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$305,600$9,999
40.852300158732-74.1137293597340265_36_52193 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$367,200$12,014
40.852306891537-74.1132742303840265_36_22210 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$315,700$10,329
40.852404886314-74.1133697505040265_36_21208 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$295,000$9,652
40.852411293313-74.1138441549530265_36_54189 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$371,300$12,148
40.85248302406-74.1134546429380265_36_19204 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$270,400$8,847
40.852524296508-74.1139608432450265_36_56187 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$295,700$9,675
40.852581894155-74.1135563661070265_36_17200 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$301,700$9,871
40.85263491911-74.1140746872620265_36_58183 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$375,100$12,273
40.852681366685-74.1136587858380265_36_16196 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$229,900$7,522
40.852745061992-74.1141892655690265_36_60179 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$319,900$10,467
40.852765078814-74.1137448188710265_36_14194 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$303,200$9,920
40.852839643136-74.1138216402630265_36_13190 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$248,500$8,130
40.852856302585-74.1143035500110265_36_62173 Maple Avenueredacted-o8$348,900$11,416
40.852878759095-74.1132154211480265_37_49201 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$363,100$11,880
40.852907036891-74.1138909581970265_36_12188 Hayward Placeredacted-o8$235,300$7,699

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