// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 92 Manhattan Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Waldwick Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 92 Manhattan Avenue, Waldwick Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0264_39_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 92 Manhattan Avenue, Waldwick Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 39, Lot: 18
Assessment (2023): $399,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,704
Area: 1323.78 acres
Perimeter: 8.56 miles
Population 2020: 10058
Pop Density 2020: 4863/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Waldwick Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.012088241797-74.1127328327370264_39_8077 Grove Streetredacted-o8$318,200$9,253
41.012103861494-74.1125077705960264_39_7779 Grove Streetredacted-o8$512,700$14,909
41.012122344026-74.11224052420264_39_7481 Grove Streetredacted-o8$410,400$11,934
41.012140783934-74.111973290050264_39_7187 Grove Streetredacted-o8$405,300$11,786
41.01216264774-74.1116571659120264_39_6789 Grove Streetredacted-o8$446,200$12,975
41.01218115169-74.1113892831740264_39_6593 Grove Streetredacted-o8$379,600$11,038
41.012368847104-74.1125877106140264_39_1286 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$321,300$9,343
41.012381428952-74.1124097417070264_39_1488 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$405,200$11,783
41.012393888337-74.1122323730660264_39_1690 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$346,300$10,070
41.0124096669-74.1120074225460264_39_1892 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$399,200$11,608
41.012425357481-74.1117842079040264_39_2194 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$476,600$13,859
41.012437856643-74.1116046019530264_39_2396 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$325,200$9,456
41.012450942881-74.1114243512720264_39_2598 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$299,700$8,715
41.012776022691-74.1126370177780264_38_7887 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$355,200$10,329
41.012788821533-74.1124596469370264_38_7689 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$475,500$13,827
41.012801897407-74.1122799709410264_38_7491 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$461,300$13,414
41.012814947458-74.1120984692250264_38_7293 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$377,600$10,980
41.012827796874-74.1119211238820264_38_7095 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$406,600$11,823
41.012840739542-74.1117426300450264_38_6897 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$304,900$8,866
41.01285368354-74.1115647008310264_38_6699 Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$339,600$9,875
41.012866670873-74.1113850281430264_38_6499a Manhattan Avenueredacted-o8$350,000$10,178

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