// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 112 Fairview Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 112 Fairview Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0260_5813_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 112 Fairview Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 5813, Lot: 4
Assessment (2023): $209,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 12,201
Area: 3993.02 acres
Perimeter: 12.59 miles
Population 2020: 41246
Pop Density 2020: 6611/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Teaneck Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.892444462288-73.9987012924890260_5903_2100 E Forest Averedacted-o8$243,100$8,027
40.89283978879-73.9986438551240260_5813_28101 E Forest Averedacted-o8$207,000$6,835
40.89301191031-73.9984811453630260_5813_11211 Arlington Averedacted-o8$239,700$7,914
40.892758918042-73.9984158686380260_5813_27105 E Forest Averedacted-o8$248,400$8,202
40.893147444142-73.9983953528790260_5813_2102 Fairview Averedacted-o8$278,800$9,205
40.89348797653-73.9982813711290260_5810_281223 Arlington Averedacted-o8$262,300$8,661
40.892685407715-73.9982054789270260_5813_26111 E Forest Averedacted-o8$230,300$7,604
40.892995067264-73.9981850704010260_5813_3110 Fairview Averedacted-o8$274,600$9,067
40.893427377451-73.9981136843590260_5810_27101 Fairview Averedacted-o8$271,900$8,978
40.892948802445-73.9980527286430260_5813_4112 Fairview Averedacted-o8$209,500$6,667
40.892618530056-73.9980193516870260_5813_25117 E Forest Averedacted-o8$229,500$7,578
40.892913072551-73.9979550200490260_5813_5114 Fairview Averedacted-o8$222,400$7,343
40.89336827047-73.9979476599120260_5810_26107 Fairview Averedacted-o8$264,300$8,727
40.892877346431-73.9978556341020260_5813_6116 Fairview Averedacted-o8$237,500$7,842
40.892545967427-73.99780945590260_5813_24119 E. Forest Averedacted-o8$310,600$10,256
40.893316587578-73.9978047395850260_5810_25113 Fairview Averedacted-o8$230,800$7,621
40.892842731847-73.9977549882250260_5813_7118 Fairview Averedacted-o8$211,000$6,967
40.893273915431-73.9976852530870260_5810_24115 Fairview Averedacted-o8$229,900$7,591
40.892805350209-73.9976543206420260_5813_8126 Fairview Averedacted-o8$247,400$8,169
40.892471852891-73.997600847940260_5813_23129 E. Forest Averedacted-o8$207,800$6,861
40.89323180008-73.9975674476490260_5810_23117 Fairview Averedacted-o8$310,700$10,259
40.892765903614-73.9975419108660260_5813_9128 Fairview Averedacted-o8$250,100$8,258
40.893188496087-73.9974494463740260_5810_22119 Fairview Averedacted-o8$235,900$7,789
40.892413982298-73.9974371847310260_5813_22133 E Forest Averedacted-o8$283,200$9,351
40.892724461624-73.9974228816210260_5813_10130 Fairview Averedacted-o8$250,200$8,261
40.893468837281-73.9973749246390260_5810_6122 Circle Drwayredacted-o8$251,000$8,288

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