// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 628 Standish Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 628 Standish Rd, Teaneck Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0260_506_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 628 Standish Rd, Teaneck Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 506, Lot: 13
Assessment (2023): $356,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 12,201
Area: 3993.02 acres
Perimeter: 12.59 miles
Population 2020: 41246
Pop Density 2020: 6611/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Teaneck Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.895516157549-74.0243692858680260_506_4609 Wyndham Rdredacted-o8$405,200$13,379
40.89556372023-74.024542236690260_506_5615 Wyndham Rdredacted-o8$355,800$11,748
40.895610046385-74.0247098302060260_506_6619 Wyndham Rdredacted-o8$338,800$11,187
40.895682809345-74.024972935350260_506_7631 Wyndham Rdredacted-o8$424,700$14,023
40.895752521685-74.0252249987020260_506_8635 Wyndham Rdredacted-o8$305,600$9,840
40.895765225512-74.0255193689610260_506_9983 Wilson Averedacted-o8$402,600$13,293
40.895810952276-74.0244107300490260_506_16610 Standish Rdredacted-o8$416,100$13,739
40.89586767871-74.024596607750260_506_15616 Standish Rdredacted-o8$402,100$13,027
40.895903359705-74.0254358537150260_506_10989 Wilson Averedacted-o8$357,400$11,801
40.895926803181-74.0247939580450260_506_14622 Standish Rdredacted-o8$336,100$11,098
40.895979350891-74.024967893460260_506_13628 Standish Rdredacted-o8$356,300$11,765
40.896033398417-74.025144491740260_506_12634 Standish Rdredacted-o8$427,600$14,119
40.896096686814-74.0253677887230260_506_11995 Wilson Averedacted-o8$354,500$11,705
40.896207213733-74.0242509930950260_505_6615 Standish Rdredacted-o8$425,600$14,053
40.896284463652-74.0245052523820260_505_7619 Standish Rdredacted-o8$472,800$15,361
40.896360187564-74.0247552247320260_505_8629 Standish Rdredacted-o8$377,300$12,458
40.896409612654-74.024918195960260_505_9635 Standish Rdredacted-o8$302,300$9,981
40.896468887625-74.0251188962620260_505_10641 Standish Rdredacted-o8$388,400$12,824
40.896519566015-74.0242802730030260_505_15616 Ramapo Rdredacted-o8$328,800$10,856

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