// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Commonwealth Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Commonwealth Dr, Teaneck Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0260_4022_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Commonwealth Dr, Teaneck Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 4022, Lot: 1
Assessment (): $0.00
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 12,201
Area: 3993.02 acres
Perimeter: 12.59 miles
Population 2020: 41246
Pop Density 2020: 6611/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Teaneck Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.886332861614-74.0050089190260260_4023_2917 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$345,200$11,398
40.886521885556-74.0041908624840260_4022_1547 Audubon Rdredacted-o8$327,500$10,814
40.886532438111-74.0054728283650260_4021_7914 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$367,100
40.886577529318-74.0043518526590260_4022_1641 Audubon Rdredacted-o8$415,500$13,719
40.886647533388-74.0045519544370260_4022_1737 Audubon Rdredacted-o8$315,800$10,427
40.886731428495-74.0053645003370260_4021_6920 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$301,700$9,962
40.886826060603-74.0042205179260260_4022_346 Monterey Averedacted-o8$327,900$10,827
40.886859175149-74.0047774448960260_4022_1Commonwealth Drredacted-o8
40.88687217159-74.0048611351240260_4022_1_C0001927 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$323,900$10,695
40.886888811325-74.0053116746850260_4021_5926 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$325,500$10,748
40.886893905475-74.0046367489660260_4022_1_C000530 Monterey Averedacted-o8$264,500$8,733
40.886894490694-74.0044199004380260_4022_238 Monterey Averedacted-o8$287,900$9,506
40.886919942429-74.0047077179070260_4022_1_C0004927 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$287,100$9,480
40.88694186218-74.0048063745660260_4022_1_C0002927 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$260,000$8,585
40.887015143295-74.0047726469490260_4022_1_C0003927 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$285,200$9,417
40.88704475459-74.0052624108310260_4021_4932 Commonwealth Drredacted-o8$424,400$14,013
40.887061968732-74.0054795316010260_4021_3_C0002929 Teaneck Rdredacted-o8$87,900$2,902
40.887126126696-74.0054343703740260_4021_3_C0006931 Teaneck Rdredacted-o8$85,500$2,823
40.887140791096-74.0054700854590260_4021_3_C0008931 Teaneck Rdredacted-o8$84,500$2,790
40.887239552361-74.0041476869680260_4020_1939 Monterey Averedacted-o8$403,100$13,310
40.887299820361-74.0043229428460260_4020_2035 Monterey Averedacted-o8$309,200$10,209
40.88736901073-74.0045272009490260_4020_2127 Monterey Averedacted-o8$309,300$10,213

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