// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 203 Park Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 203 Park Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0260_3304_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 203 Park Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 3304, Lot: 1
Assessment (2023): $357,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 12,201
Area: 3993.02 acres
Perimeter: 12.59 miles
Population 2020: 41246
Pop Density 2020: 6611/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Teaneck Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.869687566193-74.0176751075590260_3308_594 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$364,800$12,045
40.869719917883-74.0178501635330260_3308_4104 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$281,800$9,305
40.869753062124-74.0180261462320260_3308_3106 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$307,400$10,150
40.869765826783-74.0184714842910260_3308_20191 Park Averedacted-o8$432,700$14,287
40.869785653968-74.0182012117120260_3308_2110 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$280,200$9,252
40.869898011916-74.0184309218580260_3308_1197 Park Averedacted-o8$291,100$9,612
40.870011744831-74.0190508838540260_3307_7194 Park Averedacted-o8$409,000$13,505
40.870121103246-74.017717244570260_3304_20101 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$313,200$10,341
40.870151922295-74.0178929950480260_3304_21107 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$277,300$9,156
40.870165661012-74.0183435331690260_3304_1203 Park Averedacted-o8$357,500$11,804
40.870185915336-74.0180712569790260_3304_22109 Sherwood Averedacted-o8$300,500$9,922
40.870265098255-74.0189650854780260_3305_11202 Park Averedacted-o8$263,100$8,687
40.870301497167-74.0183032731330260_3304_2209 Park Averedacted-o8$282,600$9,331
40.870372209705-74.0189326413670260_3305_12206 Park Averedacted-o8$271,900$8,978
40.87041179275-74.0177163275670260_3304_7104 Munn Averedacted-o8$262,800$8,677
40.870433558168-74.0182608036120260_3304_3215 Park Averedacted-o8$282,200$9,318
40.870436656015-74.0178567109550260_3304_6108 Munn Averedacted-o8$262,100$8,654
40.870463062047-74.0180008336220260_3304_5112 Munn Averedacted-o8$269,200$8,888
40.870477476057-74.0188968089130260_3305_13210 Park Averedacted-o8$246,300$8,132
40.870570787915-74.0182173677750260_3304_4221 Park Averedacted-o8$406,600$13,425
40.870582026127-74.0188645507860260_3305_14214 Park Averedacted-o8$277,100$9,149
40.870692045745-74.0188280086110260_3305_15220 Park Averedacted-o8$291,500$9,625

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