// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 547 Linden Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Teaneck Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 547 Linden Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0260_110_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 547 Linden Ave, Teaneck Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 110, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $239,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 12,201
Area: 3993.02 acres
Perimeter: 12.59 miles
Population 2020: 41246
Pop Density 2020: 6611/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Teaneck Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.883283776694-74.0255555946850260_110_2529 Linden Averedacted-o8$312,400$10,315
40.88329591249-74.0252146175120260_110_12.01532 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$145,400$4,801
40.88332014201-74.0246318025010260_109_3535 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$324,600$10,718
40.883418789128-74.0255002625670260_110_3533 Linden Averedacted-o8$320,200$10,573
40.883432993223-74.025157558060260_110_11536 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$276,200$9,120
40.883527152016-74.0246943762920260_109_1_C0016543a Chestnut Plredacted-o8$157,600$5,203
40.883527524326-74.0254560425450260_110_4537 Linden Averedacted-o8$263,100$8,687
40.883555668647-74.0246811941890260_109_1_C0017543b Chestnut Plredacted-o8$156,600$5,170
40.88360436189-74.0250862358290260_110_10542 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$319,400$10,546
40.883626492216-74.0254153967450260_110_5541 Linden Averedacted-o8$241,300$7,967
40.883657233733-74.0246593883820260_109_1_C0012547 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$140,000$4,622
40.8836936378-74.0246451934560260_109_1_C0013549 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$143,900$4,751
40.883723768545-74.0253757911650260_110_6545 Linden Averedacted-o8$260,900$8,614
40.883725512251-74.0246316177960260_109_1_C0015553 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$143,900$4,751
40.883757500606-74.024618043410260_109_1_C0014551 Chestnut Plredacted-o8$140,000$4,622
40.883818751968-74.0249083664550260_110_14Terhune Stredacted-o8
40.883828185672-74.0260045812710260_111_15544 Linden Averedacted-o8$416,300$13,746
40.883831638092-74.0253319748640260_110_7547 Linden Averedacted-o8$239,400$7,904
40.883858663114-74.0250738743330260_110_9Terhune Stredacted-o8
40.883958919092-74.0259515177340260_111_14550 Linden Averedacted-o8$348,500$11,507
40.883964373725-74.0252776656550260_110_8551 Linden Averedacted-o8$262,500$8,667
40.88409900579-74.0258940204040260_111_13552 Linden Averedacted-o8$342,200$11,299
40.884213021625-74.0247790536110260_106_17401 Terhune Stredacted-o8$301,600$9,958
40.884259498103-74.0249796999110260_106_16409 Terhune Stredacted-o8$274,200$9,054
40.884311143051-74.0251953187750260_106_15569 Linden Averedacted-o8$302,700$9,995

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