// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 61 Graham Terr owned by redacted-o9 in Saddle Brook Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 61 Graham Terr, Saddle Brook Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0257_1513_38

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 61 Graham Terr, Saddle Brook Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1513, Lot: 38
Assessment (2023): $421,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,568
Area: 1757.97 acres
Perimeter: 8.00 miles
Population 2020: 14294
Pop Density 2020: 5204/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Saddle Brook Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.915861077551-74.0959016999450257_1514_372 Graham Terrredacted-o8$321,200$7,503
40.915907778953-74.0957239243470257_1514_468 Graham Terrredacted-o8$292,100$6,823
40.915954081786-74.0955478062970257_1514_564 Graham Terrredacted-o8$541,000$12,637
40.916000465466-74.0953717539870257_1514_660 Graham Terrredacted-o8$378,900$8,851
40.91604722323-74.095194053120257_1514_756 Graham Terrredacted-o8$593,900$13,873
40.916093887765-74.0950163150970257_1514_852 Graham Terrredacted-o8$357,800$8,358
40.916215988229-74.0962682677050257_1513_4277 Graham Terrredacted-o8$396,100
40.916262828532-74.0960885415650257_1513_4173 Graham Terrredacted-o8$470,200$10,983
40.916308281347-74.0959190779030257_1513_4069 Graham Terrredacted-o8$369,400$8,379
40.916353613898-74.0957482873480257_1513_3965 Graham Terrredacted-o8$321,000$7,498
40.916398934469-74.0955774834520257_1513_3861 Graham Terrredacted-o8$421,800$9,853
40.916444198557-74.0954066875810257_1513_3757 Graham Terrredacted-o8$349,100$8,154
40.91648953787-74.0952358812750257_1513_3653 Graham Terrredacted-o8$486,600$11,366
40.916534867576-74.0950650867510257_1513_3549 Graham Terrredacted-o8$511,500$11,948
40.916562937643-74.0962149336690257_1513_5130 Danna Wayredacted-o8$348,800$7,897
40.916580208917-74.0948942812740257_1513_3445 Graham Terrredacted-o8$326,000$7,615
40.916613794242-74.0960258840360257_1513_6126 Danna Wayredacted-o8$514,400$12,016
40.916664151798-74.095838263660257_1513_7122 Danna Wayredacted-o8$749,400$17,505
40.916716755121-74.0956420967330257_1513_8118 Danna Wayredacted-o8$400,500$9,355
40.916769318529-74.0954459203170257_1513_9112 Danna Wayredacted-o8$752,700$17,583
40.916821976897-74.0952497466790257_1513_10108 Danna Wayredacted-o8$372,500$8,701
40.916876855823-74.0950450738370257_1513_11104 Danna Wayredacted-o8$486,700$11,369

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