// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 29 Carmita Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Rutherford Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 29 Carmita Ave, Rutherford Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0256_90_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 29 Carmita Ave, Rutherford Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 90, Lot: 11
Assessment (2023): $472,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,594
Area: 1849.68 acres
Perimeter: 10.53 miles
Population 2020: 18834
Pop Density 2020: 6517/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Rutherford Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.837939793222-74.1091609356760256_90_1124 Morse Avenueredacted-o8$438,100$13,077
40.837962170117-74.1079971594490256_88_1335 Courrier Plredacted-o8$416,400$12,666
40.837992413869-74.1086519679940256_90_3144 Courrier Plredacted-o8$424,300$12,907
40.838048525854-74.1090512628460256_90_345 Carmita Averedacted-o8$435,000$13,232
40.838101918573-74.1085411428920256_90_3340 Courrier Plredacted-o8$497,700$15,140
40.838157208543-74.108937224480256_90_541 Carmita Averedacted-o8$463,700$14,105
40.838211695065-74.1084413953590256_90_3536 Courrier Plredacted-o8$463,100$14,087
40.838265065772-74.1088282330790256_90_737 Carmita Averedacted-o8$411,100$12,505
40.838329568793-74.1083249782860256_90_3732 Courrier Plredacted-o8$583,300$17,743
40.838374422806-74.1087285874680256_90_933 Carmita Averedacted-o8$498,600$15,167
40.838465098417-74.1081910271070256_90_3926 Courrier Plredacted-o8$457,900$13,929
40.838483470687-74.1086207991750256_90_1129 Carmita Averedacted-o8$472,900$14,135
40.838519963146-74.1093022665760256_92_3936 Carmita Averedacted-o8$391,000$11,894
40.838590715559-74.1080670750080256_90_4220 Courrier Plredacted-o8$514,700$15,657
40.838618904582-74.1084866100850256_90_1325 Carmita Averedacted-o8$520,000$15,818
40.838628083547-74.1091962289890256_92_4132 Carmita Averedacted-o8$413,600$12,581
40.838724104295-74.1079068030650256_90_4414 Courrier Plredacted-o8$410,000$12,472
40.838736563559-74.1090894621480256_92_4328 Carmita Averedacted-o8$403,900$12,286
40.838753251392-74.1083538279780256_90_1621 Carmita Avenueredacted-o8$417,400$12,697
40.838845717631-74.1089821975140256_92_4524 Carmita Averedacted-o8$438,000$13,323
40.838853660397-74.1082268584620256_90_1815 Carmita Averedacted-o8$365,600$11,121
40.838954069504-74.1088757045380256_92_4720 Carmita Avenueredacted-o8$365,700$11,124
40.838969732668-74.1081079790010256_90_209 Carmita Averedacted-o8$425,000$12,928
40.839008490439-74.1092680338410256_92_1721 Walnut Stredacted-o8$402,500$11,994

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