// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 61 Monona Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Rutherford Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 61 Monona Ave, Rutherford Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0256_207_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 61 Monona Ave, Rutherford Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 207, Lot: 11
Assessment (2023): $360,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,594
Area: 1849.68 acres
Perimeter: 10.53 miles
Population 2020: 18834
Pop Density 2020: 6517/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Rutherford Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.841984035762-74.1168096548640256_207_2332 Grand Averedacted-o8$345,000$10,494
40.84199797103-74.1177499836530256_206_1257 Yahara Averedacted-o8$512,600$15,593
40.842084479157-74.1169887750310256_207_2648 Yahara Averedacted-o8$367,200$11,170
40.842163747537-74.1171299172220256_207_2852 Yahara Avenueredacted-o8$437,600$13,311
40.842173337696-74.1165352330480256_207_1647 Monona Averedacted-o8$348,000$10,586
40.842230172467-74.1166364278540256_207_1549 Monona Averedacted-o8$536,300$16,314
40.842243657309-74.1172723373310256_207_3056 Yahara Averedacted-o8$386,400$11,754
40.84229010267-74.1167417302330256_207_1453 Monona Avenueredacted-o8$358,000$10,890
40.842345289205-74.1174532957860256_207_3260 Yahara Averedacted-o8$411,000$12,502
40.842353433179-74.1168541911010256_207_1355 Monona Averedacted-o8$355,300$10,808
40.842415178052-74.116963289250256_207_1257 Monona Averedacted-o8$358,500$10,905
40.842444508055-74.1176299548560256_207_3564 Yahara Avenueredacted-o8$372,800$11,340
40.842476202914-74.1170708144450256_207_1161 Monona Averedacted-o8$360,000$10,951
40.842524965206-74.1177731195320256_207_372 Yahara Avenueredacted-o8$316,000$9,612
40.842547612069-74.1171971450720256_207_9.0263 Monona Avenueredacted-o8$325,000$9,886
40.842622135863-74.1173292370570256_207_8.0269 Monona Avenueredacted-o8$300,000$9,126
40.842661950348-74.1164237121730256_208_2550 Monona Averedacted-o8$362,900$11,039
40.8426960898-74.1174596802150256_207_7.0271 Monona Averedacted-o8$399,600$12,155
40.842725682135-74.1165333893190256_208_2654 Monona Avenueredacted-o8$290,000$8,821
40.842771275174-74.1175926610780256_207_675 Monona Averedacted-o8$389,600$11,851
40.842786260207-74.116641807350256_208_2756 Monona Avenueredacted-o8$394,000$11,985
40.842845076824-74.1177231273260256_207_577 Monona Averedacted-o8$478,300$14,549
40.842848240566-74.1167492941230256_208_2860 Monona Averedacted-o8$351,100$10,680
40.842910822265-74.1168588990120256_208_2962 Monona Averedacted-o8$344,900$10,491
40.843001118599-74.1170173043560256_208_468 Monona Averedacted-o8$388,300$11,812

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