// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 222 Teaneck Road owned by redacted-o9 in Ridgefield Park Village, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 222 Teaneck Road, Ridgefield Park Village, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0250_123_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 222 Teaneck Road, Ridgefield Park Village, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 123, Lot: 18
Assessment (2023): $380,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,458
Area: 1229.83 acres
Perimeter: 6.23 miles
Population 2020: 13224
Pop Density 2020: 6882/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Ridgefield Park Village whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.850460574291-74.0204228032170250_130_38_C000210-12 Emerson St Unit 10redacted-o8$326,900$9,630
40.850477562875-74.0213075822590250_123_23206 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$418,400$12,326
40.850486419244-74.0217420234920250_123_2452 Voorhees Placeredacted-o8$107,300$3,161
40.850487824861-74.0206883485080250_130_1229 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$348,700$10,272
40.850615729009-74.0206489448110250_130_2233-235 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$437,200$12,879
40.850645227844-74.0212167937080250_123_22208 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$384,400$11,324
40.850727224935-74.0205340733850250_130_3239 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$368,800$10,864
40.850756697538-74.0217123859760250_123_14115 Laurel Stredacted-o8$1,802,200$53,092
40.850779727037-74.0211599239520250_123_20216 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$386,200$11,377
40.850810348391-74.0203251508570250_130_5159 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$362,800$10,688
40.850868616889-74.0205536979970250_130_4241-243 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$563,600$16,603
40.850874301035-74.0210913803240250_123_19218 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$410,600$12,096
40.850990049905-74.0210331466880250_123_18222 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$380,000$11,194
40.851003777361-74.0213299194430250_123_17131 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$417,500$12,496
40.851012199222-74.0215193540920250_123_16127 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$444,700$13,100
40.851057875475-74.0217034104960250_123_14.02129 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$369,500$10,885
40.851119637895-74.0204155322990250_116_1245-249 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$437,900$12,900
40.851245738933-74.0209092560830250_117_10226 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$496,100$14,615
40.851249401188-74.020356975460250_116_2251 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$370,700$10,920
40.851372990349-74.0211207445580250_117_11136 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$379,300$11,174
40.851373260598-74.0208487701240250_117_10.01230 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$425,900$12,547
40.851444510667-74.0212612373950250_117_12130 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$421,700$12,423
40.851490795987-74.0214351597190250_117_13124 Brinkerhoff Stredacted-o8$522,400$15,389
40.851522578794-74.0208567358350250_117_9234 Teaneck Roadredacted-o8$506,100$14,909

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